
Life Insurance: how important is it?

Life insurance is a type of investment. You pay a monthly fee and your family or even you can get the benefit when the time comes!


Find out if it's worth having life insurance and stay protected!

Casal sorrindo e se olhando, cada um com uma criança nos ombros
So, understand what life insurance is! Source: AdobeStock.

Firstly, it is worth saying that many people are in doubt when deciding whether or not to obtain life insurance because they do not understand its importance. Therefore, we prepared this post to clarify everything!

In other words, here you will understand what the most important issues are in relation to life insurance and you will be able, once and for all, to decide whether this is the best option for you!

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Obviously, there are different types of insurance and companies that offer this type of service. So, another very important point is that you always check the different offers available on the market!

So, without further ado, let's look at some of the main importance of purchasing life insurance for you and your family!

What is life insurance?

Mãos de adultos e crianças juntas segurando o símbolo da saúde
Check out how it works! Source: AdobeStock.

First, before understanding the importance, let's talk briefly about what life insurance is! Thus, this is protection in the event of an accident or fatality.

Like all types of insurance, it is a preventive measure. In other words, you fit the expense into your monthly planning and then you can enjoy your benefit when the right time arrives.

This is coverage aimed at protecting your financial dependents. This is because, if any fatality happens to you, there will be financial compensation to reduce all losses.

However, insurance details will depend on the institution you choose and your contract. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to all the details to know under what circumstances you can receive the amount.

Importance of life insurance!

Casal sorrindo e conversando enquanto usa notebook
After all, is it really important? Source: AdobeStock.

Life insurance is a contract between an insured person and an insurance company, in which the latter undertakes to pay an amount, called an insurance policy, to the insured's beneficiaries, in the event of his death.

It is important to highlight that the beneficiaries are chosen by the person who takes out the life insurance. Therefore, life insurance can be very important for several reasons.

Furthermore, the insurance can cover some accidents, such as accidental or natural death, hospital admission, serious illnesses and even contribute to funeral assistance.

Furthermore, here are some of the reasons why people generally decide to purchase life insurance.

Financial protection

The main importance of life insurance is related to helping to protect your family financially if something happens to you. It can help pay for expenses like your mortgage, medical bills, debt, and other expenses.

There are also some life insurance policies that offer the option of educational insurance and will guarantee payment for your children's school fees.

But, due to this freedom of choice and individual and family protection, life insurance is an important option for those who build careful financial planning!

Peace of mind

By knowing that your family will be financially protected if something happens to you, you can have more peace of mind and peace of mind. As we said, no one likes to imagine their own death.

However, contemplating this possibility is a necessary action to protect those you love and even yourself! And there is nothing better than being able to have the peace of mind of knowing that the person you love is protected!

In some cases, if the insured finds himself in a situation of disability or inability to continue working, he can also obtain compensation!

Support for dependents

In fact, many people think that life insurance brings bad omens because it is linked to death, however the truth is just the opposite. The importance of life insurance is related to a form of care.

That is, both with you and with the lives of your family members! After all, life insurance can provide financial support for your dependents, including spouses, children and other loved ones.

Therefore, although this is an unpleasant situation to think about, it must be considered and taken into account, as it is realistic and it is important to be prepared for the greatest adversity.

So, the more people you have who are dependent on your income, the more advisable it is to look for life insurance that meets your demands and needs.

Pai dormindo com recém nascido

Different types of insurance: how they work!

Insurance is a type of financial service that covers different areas of life. It can relate to health, goods, and others. Understand better how insurance works.

Coverage for final expenses

Life insurance can also help pay for final expenses, such as a funeral and other associated expenses.

And this is a point that must be taken into account, because the costs involved in wakes and burials are excessively expensive!

So, in addition to being an expense that is already accounted for, it does not generate surprise expenses for other people. At a time of death, everyone is very vulnerable, and not having to deal with bureaucracy is an advantage!

Tax benefits

In some cases, life insurance may offer tax benefits, such as tax exemptions on indemnity payments or tax exemptions on the value accumulated in the policy.

In other words, it ends up becoming a compensable expense. So, to be sure about the exemptions and amounts spent on insurance, you need to sit down and put all the amounts on the tip of your pencil.

This is the only way to understand which option is most worthwhile! Therefore, it is important to calculate the cost-benefit of your policy!

Sometimes, another type of investment may be more valid. So, take it easy when deciding which model to hire!

Other options: Tranquility Income Protection Insurance

In general, the greatest importance of life insurance is to offer financial protection and peace of mind for your family in case of unforeseen events. However, if you are still unsure, you can find out about other types of insurance!

Therefore, Income Protection Insurance from Tranquilidade bank could be a great option for you. This insurance is aimed at those who want to rent a property without worrying about the monthly payment.

Therefore, this is an option that can protect both the landlord and the lessor! This is because in case of any unforeseen circumstances, both will be covered!

Do you want to know more details? So, check out how this Insurance works now! Click the link below for more information!

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Rent Protection Insurance Peace of mind: rent your properties!

Tranquilidade Rent Protection Insurance works to protect the property and its income, guaranteeing the best coverage.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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