Financial education

What is net salary? Better understand your earnings and income

Do you know what net salary is? Know that understanding how it works is essential for your financial education and understanding your own income. So, keep reading and find out more!


After all, what is net salary?

Imagem com uma mesa de escritório na penulbra
Understand how it works and how to calculate net salary. Source: Pexels.

The first thing you must understand about what net salary is is that it corresponds to your remuneration after a series of deductions.

There are several subtractions that occur from the income of workers in the private and public sector. They are for public reasons and for access to Social Security.

Segurança social logotipo

How to get your NISS easily?

See the step-by-step guide on how to obtain the NISS in Portugal. After all, the NISS is mandatory and our guide teaches you how to obtain it simply and quickly.

In fact, even those who are entrepreneurs and self-employed must also make contributions. The only difference is that here it is not a question of salary, but of deductions from income.

Want to know more? So keep reading and see how your income works. Check out more about salary, discounts and final values!

Net salary x Gross salary

The net salary is what you receive at the end of the working month. In other words, it is the value that actually reaches you.

It is obtained after making a series of deductions on the gross or gross salary. Therefore, your remuneration is greater than what actually ends up in the account.

These discounts are provided for by law and serve to provide access to services and programs. Likewise, for the purpose of collecting taxes in favor of the State.

How do you know what the gross salary is and what the net salary is?

The worker's payroll must contain all this data. It must clarify what the gross value is and what will be the basis for discounts.

In addition, you must also clarify which discounts are available there, one by one, indicating the value of each one.

What are the deductions that apply to the worker's gross salary?

imagem de uma mesa com um notebook, uma xícara de café, fone de ouvido e dois lápis
Do you know what net salary is? Look! Source: Pexels.

Check, in the items below, the discounts that occur in the worker's salary. It is worth noting that they do not account for advance payments!

Social Security Discounts

The first deduction that occurs in the worker's gross salary corresponds to Social Security deductions. It is the equivalent of INSS payments in Brazil.

Social Security corresponds to the social security body in Portugal. Therefore, all workers must contribute to it, which gives access to programs and services.

The discount rate for Social Security is 11% of the gross salary. This proportion applies to both private and public sector workers.

Therefore, if someone receives a salary of €1000, the monthly contribution to Social Security will be €111.

Understand what Social Security contributions are for

This is a discount that occurs in the gross salary so that the worker has access to social security services and benefits in Portugal.

Thus, by contributing to it, the worker can have access to the following benefits:

  • Sickness benefit;
  • Maternity benefit;
  • Family benefits;
  • Work accidents;
  • Professional diseases;
  • Disability pension;
  • Old-age pension;
  • Death pension;
  • Unemployment insurance and others.

Therefore, it is very important that there are contributions in favor of the body and not doing so amounts to tax evasion.

Personal Income Tax Discounts

imagem sobre Consolidar créditos simulador parterns
Discover another discount that is applied to your gross salary. Source: Pexels.

Another discount that occurs on the gross salary to arrive at what is the net salary corresponds to the IRS (Personal Income Tax).

It varies depending on a number of conditions. For example, it considers what the gross salary is, the worker's marital status and the existence of dependents (and how many there are).

Furthermore, taxes for workers with disabilities and those without disabilities (general regime) are different. Therefore, here it is necessary to analyze a number of issues.

In addition, be aware that a table is updated annually that establishes the discount (contribution) for each salary range.

And the tax exemption, how does it work?

The table that establishes the deductions that can be made from the gross salary for IRS purposes also establishes the exemption range.

In other words, there are workers who do not receive IRS deductions, as they are exempt. They are those with the lowest income brackets.

In 2022, it is possible to receive up to €9,940 per year and be exempt. Therefore, income with higher amounts requires IRS payment, while smaller amounts do not.

However, be careful! After all, when adding up your income it is necessary to consider that Portugal has 14 salaries per year.

But how so? In addition to the 12 regular incomes, there is also the payment of the Christmas bonus and another mid-year summer bonus.

In addition, it is necessary to consider holiday amounts in income. Therefore, for someone to be exempt from IRS, their gross salary must be up to 710 Euros net (already with Social Security deduction).

Food allowance discounts greater than the minimum

Still, another discount that may occur on the remuneration before we get to what the net salary is refers to the food allowance.

In Portugal the minimum subsidy for food is 4.77 Euros per day. If the value is higher, it may generate discounts on remuneration. This only does not happen if paid by meal card.

How are deductions made from gross salary?

The company itself is responsible for transforming net salary into gross salary. She is the one who makes the collections, so the worker does not need to make them.

Thus, the value that reaches the worker corresponds exactly to what is available to him.

In other words, he does not need to worry about withdrawing the amounts to contribute to Social Security or the IRS. Therefore, the price is already right and with the discounts.

Finally, know that it is possible to track all discounts and their respective amounts on the payroll.

And if you want to know a little more about other subjects, see below what Child Aid is and find out how to apply for it, if you are eligible.

Logotipo Governo de Portugal, através do qual é possível solicitar Auxílio Filho

Discover Auxílio Filho: guarantee assistance in delicate moments!

Auxílio Filho is a social security benefit aimed at Portuguese workers. After all, it avoids lost wages due to absence from work due to illness. Find out more and see how to request it!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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