
Choose the ideal card for you: We help!

Need help choosing your card? Well, don't worry! Today we will see everything that must be analyzed to hire the best possible option!

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We have prepared everything so that you can find the information you need to choose the ideal card for what you need. Let's start!

Select a card

Free account + card
Card with no annual fees
Card with cashback
High limit card
International card
Card to use in stores

Choose based on your credit score

Quatro cartões diferentes sendo segurados por uma mão, representando a escolha do seu cartão
Find out how to choose your card correctly. Source: Unsplash.

Choosing your card depends on a series of factors. In addition to the presence or absence of fees and benefits, credit scores also directly affect hiring.

This is because it can give you access, or not, to a series of cards. Therefore, your score can prevent or guarantee access to some types of credit.

Keep reading and find out more about it. Also, see other questions that cannot be ignored when taking out a credit card.

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What is a credit score?

The score is nothing more than a consumer profile. Therefore, it determines whether a consumer is a good payer or not.

And, with this, it helps to define the risks that the credit institution can assume if it grants the card to the individual. The score is determined through a series of information. Check out the main ones among them:

  • Payer history;
  • Place of residence;
  • Professional status (employed, unemployed, self-employed, entrepreneur, etc.);
  • Age group;
  • Marital status, etc.

Therefore, note that there are issues that depend directly on the consumer, such as payment history.

On the other hand, there are also others that are beyond your control. This is the case of place of residence and age group, for example.

In this case, it is possible that the consumer will suffer a penalty due to a generalization. After all, it is common for financial companies to gather data to make a general assessment of consumers.

Thus, they indicate that for a certain profile there is more default, even if you belong to that profile and are a good payer.

And the greater the default and the corresponding risk of a profile, the higher the interest rates will be and the lower the chances of obtaining a good credit option.

Different credit scores

The score varies between 0 and 1,000, with the closer to the minimum the worse it will be and the closer to the maximum the better.

Therefore, there are so-called bad profiles or profiles with low scores. There are also intermediate ones, good and great. The better the profile, the greater the chances that the card choice will have options with less interest and more benefits.

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Unibanco Life or Unibanco Atitude Card? Both have international coverage and zero annual fees, in addition to exclusive advantages. Compare here!

What to consider when choosing a credit card?

Although it's important, it's not just your credit score that affects your card choice. There are other points that cannot escape your attention. See more in the items below!

Financial institution

Firstly, be careful with scams. Before contracting any type of financial service. In fact, when choosing a card, it is important to research more about the financial institution.

This way it is possible to collect data about its suitability, consumer opinion and whether it delivers on what it promises.

For this, social networks and Google are perfect and give you enough information to know if it is a good deal.


The brand is another factor that affects the choice of card. Visa and Mastercard are the most comprehensive, although they are not the only ones.

Try to hire those that have the largest number of affiliated establishments. Furthermore, it offers the option of using the card internationally.


Of course, the advantages that each card offers directly impact your choice of credit card.

Among them, points programs, international use, cash advanced, promotions, discounts and partners are those that attract the most public attention.


The cards also have hiring requirements. To avoid wasting time, find out what the requirements of those credit cards that interest you are.

Generally, the requirements refer to monthly income, as well as the need to be a customer of the institution to take out the card, in addition to credit score. So, know which one is yours and which one is the card you want to have.

Annual fee and fees

The card maintenance fee (annual fee), as well as the issuance, duplicate, additional card, interest and cash advanced fees cannot be forgotten either.

They are very important because they show how much it will cost to maintain the credit card. So, before you get carried away and hire the first person who comes along, analyze these circumstances.

Available limit

Finally, choosing a card should also analyze the credit limit available for purchases and payments. After all, that's what determines how much you can spend on it.

Importance of choosing a credit card based on your credit score

Uma mão segurando um cartão de crédito e a outra utilizando um notebook sobre mesa de escritório com vaso de planta e caderno. Simbolizando a escolha de cartão
Learn more about choosing your card wisely. Source: Canva.

The score can define which card is available to you or not. Therefore, always be sure to know the requirements of the cards that interest you.

This avoids a series of frustrations, as well as the loss of your precious time. Also, be aware that applying for cards that don't fit your profile may affect your score.

This is a problem that can happen when requesting different cards, in a short period of time, for different institutions. So check the scores!

How to find the best credit card for you?

To do this, observe all the points of attention listed above. Choosing the card requires care with all of them, which can guarantee a successful contract.

Furthermore, you can also count on our portal to find great alternatives. Here we have already presented a series of cards from different institutions, all of them unblemished.

We also provide financial tips and other information that are essential for you to make good financial choices on a daily basis.

So, count on us and be sure to check out our tips and the products we’ve already presented here. Who knows, maybe one of them might be perfect for your card choice?!

For example, see below our comparison between Wizink Flex and Wikink Rewards cards and understand which is best for what you need!

Logotipo Wizink com as iniciais W e Z. Wizink é o banco responsável pelos cartões Wizink

Wizink Flex or Wizink Rewards card: which is best?

Wizink Flex or Wizink Rewards Card? Both have an international Visa flag, in addition to exclusive benefits such as discounts and insurance. See the comparison!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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