
How to get a European passport: practical guide!

Getting a European passport is not such an easy initiative. However, it can bring several benefits, especially for those who want to enjoy the possibility of visiting and even living in another continent or country.


Find out how you can get a European passport and travel more freely!

Menina sorrindo mostrando passaporte para câmera
But is it possible to have a European passport? Source: AdobeStock.

Want to know how to get a European passport? This is a question that many people have. This is because the European Union passport offers a series of advantages to its owner!

This is a passport that allows people to travel freely to various countries around the world, without needing a visa. In fact, to live in another country you also need to have this passport.

Mãos femininas carimbando um passaporte

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There are several types of visas you can apply for in Portugal. Find out which type best suits your needs.

But how is it possible for a person from outside Europe to obtain such a passport? To do this, you need to have dual citizenship.

Want to check out more details on this subject? So, find out who is eligible and how to obtain a passport in our text below!

Dual European Citizenship

Therefore, it is worth pointing out that those who are entitled to obtain a European passport are people with ancestry in a country on the continent. Thus, in Brazil, for example, descendants of European immigrants are very common.

Only in these cases is it possible to apply for dual citizenship. So, secondly, you need to contact the embassy of the country in question. The most common in Brazil are Portugal, Italy, Spain, for example.

In the Italian case, for example, there is no ancestry limit. In other words, if you manage to find and carry out the entire process of documenting your Italian relative, you can request it!

However, obtaining citizenship and consequently a European passport can be quite laborious and bureaucratic. Therefore, we are going to give you some tips and guidance on how you can carry out this action!

How to obtain dual citizenship and passport?

Firstly, you need to be able to find and send your European ancestor's documents to the consulate to obtain a passport. However, this is a time-consuming process. It's often difficult to find everything!

In fact, many companies work to help people find and obtain the necessary documents! Therefore, they have teams spread across several countries.

After obtaining your dual citizenship, you can apply for a passport. To do this, you will need to carry out interviews and review all the documentation that the consulates request! In other words, check the rules!

Homem sorrindo segurando cartão e-Residency

e-Residency program: virtual citizenship in Estonia to undertake!

For people who want to open a start-up or start a new company, it is possible to do business in Estonia! The country offers virtual citizenship for you to create a company.

Therefore, it is necessary to present some documents before appearing at the consulate, such as:

  • Ancestor's birth certificate;
  • European citizenship
  • Own birth certificate;
  • Proof of relationship;
  • Marriage certificate (if necessary);
  • Death certificate (if necessary);

How much does a European passport cost?

Passaportes com passagens e avião miniatura
After all, is the cost too high? Source: AdobeStock.

The question of how much it costs to get a European passport is relative. This is because each country has its own value. But, this is a fundamental step for you to obtain a European passport!

However, we can say that the average is around 80 euros. Therefore, to confirm the values, it is necessary to consult the website of the consulate in question!

The disadvantages of having a European passport

If we need to point out any disadvantages in getting a European passport, it's just the fact that having dual citizenship, you have duties with both countries in which you are related.

In many cases you will need to vote in elections, do military service, pay taxes depending on what you do, among other important points. So, before making your request, check all the details!

What are the advantages of obtaining a European passport?

Mão segurando passaportes com mapa e avião miniatura ao fundo
See if it's worth getting your passport! Source: AdobeStock.

Once you obtain a European passport, you can reside indefinitely in any country in the European Union. Furthermore, you can enjoy all the advantages, rights and duties of a citizen of the continent.

For example, you have the right to access healthcare, retirement, help with studies and work that countries make available to European citizens.

Furthermore, you can travel freely throughout Europe, without the need to apply for and obtain visas! This is a great advantage, as this is a very bureaucratic step.

Schengen area permit

Determined by the Schengen convention, European citizens of the European Union have a free pass to travel, live and enjoy the rights of the countries of the community.

So, once you get your European passport, you can live and work in any convention nation. As mentioned, you do not need a visa or authorization. So, you have more freedom to move around.

Find out how to apply for a Schengen visa for an airport layover

So, did you like knowing how to get a European passport? Do you think you might be able to get this passport? Well, if that's not an option, how about learning about some types of visas?

The Schengen visa for airport transit is a type of visa that works for several countries in the Schengen zone. Although there are several types of visa, the port call visa is type A.

So, if you need this type of visa or want to know more about what it is for and when you can apply for it, click on the link below to find out more!

Visto Schengen em documento

Schengen visa for airport transit: find out everything about it!

Schengen is a type of visa for several countries in the Schengen Zone, such as Afghanistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan and others. Understand how it works if you are going to connect there!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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