
8 Essential Services of the Finance Portal!

Discover the Finance Portal, a bureaucracy-free website that facilitates access to tax, customs information and other services.


What is the Finance Portal and what types of services does it offer?

Nome e logo AT Portugal
Discover the main services of the Finance Portal! Source: Tax and Customs Authority.

The Finance Portal is a website from the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority (AT) that offers you several essential tax and customs services.

Among them, you can resolve questions about your contributions, taxes, assets and consult statistics. In other words, the objective of this portal is to facilitate your access to essential information and reduce bureaucratic issues. 

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Furthermore, there are more than 600 services available for you to consult. It's too much!

So, we selected the eight most essential services so you know what you can do online through the Finance Portal!

How to register on the Finance Portal?

Propaganda Portal das Finanças
So, see how to register and use it! Source: Tax and Customs Authority.

Firstly, before you can access most of the available services, you need to register on the portal.

But don't worry, it's very easy! Access the Finance Portal website and click on “Register” in the top right corner of your screen.

You will then need to provide your tax number, email, telephone number and tax address. Furthermore, just create a secret question and answer it. Ready! This way, you will be registered and ready to use the services.

On the other hand, if you already have a NIF, simply click on “Start Session” on the site's home page, also in the top right corner.

Check out 8 essential services from the Finance Portal!

Mão clicando em link do Portal das Finanças
After all, what are the best services on the Portal? Source: Tax and Customs Authority.

Among the many services available, we chose eight essential ones with current relevance. Make your queries and requests easier, use the AT online service.

Aid of 125 euros

The first topic on our list is one of the most recent topics. This extraordinary benefit is offered by the government to workers who receive up to 2700 euros per month.

This way, through the website, you can check the status of your payment, if you have made the request.

Furthermore, you can still check the amount that will be paid, remembering that the benefit has an increase of 50 euros per dependent.

Furthermore, to receive assistance, check that your IBAN is correct. You can also perform this service in a practical way. Just access the Finance Portal website.

personal data

Furthermore, it's not just your IBAN that can be checked and corrected on the portal. You can modify any other registration data that is necessary for your tax documentation.

Furthermore, when registering, you can also request your NIF. 

IRS declaration

Through the Finance Portal you can complete, submit and submit your annual IRS declaration. To do this, simply click on “citizens” on the home page. Then search the magnifying glass for “IRS”.

Thus, you will find the option to make your declaration. Furthermore, on the portal you also have access to your latest tax return.

pessoa mexendo em calculadora

State Budget brings changes to the IRS 2023

The Portuguese State Budget for 2023 has already been delivered to Parliament and could bring important changes in relation to the IRS 2023.

This is an essential document for you to make various requests, especially for banks.

On the portal, you can download the document in PDF format. But remember that for all these activities, you must be logged in to the site!

IUC issuance

IUC is the Single Circulation Tax that is charged annually on vehicles. So, with the Finance Portal, this essential service has become much closer to you.

You can either pay for the “car stamp” or check your tax situation. This is very easy, just access the portal's home page. Next, you must click on “citizens”.

Then, type the acronym “IUC” in the search magnifying glass. This way, you will have all the options related to this tax on your screen. To settle your fee, simply download the file to your computer and make the payment.

Tax Debt Consultation

Another advantage is being able to check all your tax issues with the government. Thus, you will be able to issue the debt and non-debt certificate through the portal. This document is essential for different activities.

To request, simply click on “citizens” on the portal. Then type “certificate” in the search magnifying glass. Then, click on “access” and select “request certificate”. There will be a wide range of certificates that you can request.

Choose the certificate of doubt and continue. Furthermore, you can download the document which is valid for 3 months. 

IMI and leasing

This is the Municipal Property Tax. So, if you own a house, you can check the taxes and even request exemptions.

Therefore, to check out all the possibilities of services related to IMI within the Finance Portal, follow the following steps.

Go to the “citizen” tab available on the website’s home page. Then, in the magnifying glass, search for “IMI”. Now just select the option that best fits your needs.

Furthermore, if you decide to rent your property, you can also register a lease agreement through the portal. Furthermore, you have the possibility of issuing all the respective receipts. It's very practical!


This is another tax for our list. However, Value Added Tax is paid by sellers and service providers.

In other words, it is aimed at natural and legal people who sell, produce or provide some type of service in Portual. So, if this is your case, you can check and pay VAT on the Finance Portal.

To access the service, simply search for the tax acronym in the magnifying glass and access the desired option. But, if on the other hand, you want to start an activity in this field, see our next tip

Start working as a self-employed worker

This way, if you want to start working on your own, you can make your declaration through the website. Just search for “Activity start” in the magnifying glass. Then select the “Submit declaration” option.

Furthermore, if you want to make any changes to your activity, or even cease your existence, you can do so through the website.

Furthermore, remember that you will only be able to generate invoices for customers when you have this declaration issued by the Finance Portal.

So, how about checking out how the Finance Portal works and how to register to use it? Access the content below and see everything about the platform!

logo Portal das Finanças em fundo branco

Discover the Finance Portal: see how it works, main services and how to use it

The Finance Portal is a website that belongs to the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority. Therefore, it is possible to find financial and tax information and services there.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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