
8 tips for those who are applying for their first credit card

A credit card can bring many advantages for you to make your purchases. However, you need to pay attention to several points when choosing yours. Here are some tips to avoid making mistakes!


Discover the best tips so you don't make mistakes when choosing your card!

Mão entregando cartão de crédito
After all, how to choose the right card? Source: Pixabay.

There are more and more credit card options to choose from, but for those looking for their first card, what are the best tips? In other words, what do you need to take into consideration when choosing?

Well, there are several important points, such as fees, benefits, annual fees. However, it is not only these points that must be taken into account.

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After all, you should also think about your financial condition and why you want a credit card.

But don’t worry, we’ll help you identify all these points so that you can choose your first credit card wisely!

Research before purchasing your first credit card

Menina frustrada olhando para cartão de crédito e notebook
So, know what you are going to acquire! Source: Pexels.

Therefore, the best way for you to make an accurate choice is to do a lot of research! Consult all the information, check different options from different banks. If necessary, set up a table.

This is because a card can end up causing you losses if you are not in an adequate financial situation. Also, be aware: a credit card is not synonymous with having free money in your account!

In other words, it is very important that you know your expenses and income and have adequate financial control before applying for a card. Also, think about why you need your card.

Well, all these points are important before finding the right card! Let's move on to the tips for getting your first credit card?

8 tips for your first credit card

Menino com os braços atrás da cabeça olhando notebook
After all, how can you be sure of making the right choice? Source: Pexels.

Well, let's get straight to the point. So, what are the topics and tips that demand your attention when applying for your first credit card? Check it out below!

Know your consumption habits

Making purchases out of impulsiveness or anxiety is not a very healthy and safe financial attitude. So, if this is your case, a credit card could make things worse and intensify your unrestrained consumption.

Because, the credit card offers immediate ease of purchase. So a credit card can be a double-edged blade. This is because, if you have control over your expenses, it can help your finances.

As we will say later, the benefits of discounts and cashback can help you save a lot at the end of the month, making your money go further! But, of course, the first step is to know if you are prepared to have a card.

Furthermore, remember that the card will not solve financial problems. It will only bring more flexibility to your everyday life. Interest rates on cards can be high and make your situation worse if you are already in debt.

Spend what you can afford

Therefore, following the previous tip, it is important to be careful with the ceiling. “What is this?” you may be asking yourself.

O ceiling is the spending limit you can have on your card. In other words, many cards offer a higher limit than the money you have in your account.

So, on a debit card, for example, you only use the money available. So, be careful, because with a credit card, you can buy beyond your real means.

In other words, it is important to have financial control and knowledge of your situation. If you spend more than you can afford, this can quickly lead to you owing the bank and needing to pay interest!

Do not split payments

Therefore, avoiding installments is a good measure to avoid paying interest. Every time a purchase is pending for subsequent months, interest may be added.

In other words, avoiding interest is the best way to use your credit card to your advantage. Since interest is money you just lose!

Don't pay the minimum amount

In fact, along with the previous tips for your credit card, it is also important to avoid making the minimum payment. But you may wonder what minimum payment means and why it's recommended to avoid it.

Well, whenever you receive your monthly credit card bill, you can pay it off in one go or make a minimum payment.

In other words, this payment covers a small part of your debt. As a result, your bill rolls over to the following month, generating interest for you to pay. This could end up snowballing!

So, this is an easy way to get into debt unintentionally. Be careful and do your best to pay all your bills on time! Find out how much you spent and how much you can still spend!

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Pay on date

Another extremely important tip to pay attention to when getting your first credit card. Therefore, pay attention to the billing date and pay on time.

Because, the longer you delay paying off your debt, the more interest you will have to pay. On the other hand, you can choose cards that offer lower interest rates in these situations.

However, it is always important to remain attentive, as delays can cause some losses in obtaining credit.

Interest Rates and Annuity

Well, you realize that it is always advisable that you escape situations that generate interest for you! Now, dealing with more practical topics so you can choose the best card!

So, check the interest rates! See which card has the lowest rate in case an emergency occurs.

Also, check which situations and transactions require you to pay and which are free. This is a fundamental point to guide your choice.

Furthermore, find out if you need to pay a commission to make your card available and, in addition, if you need to pay an annual fee to use the card's benefits. Many options for young people and students are free of these types of fees.

Associated Benefits

On the other hand, another important point of analysis when choosing your first credit card are the benefits that the card offers.

Therefore, currently, many banks offer cashback, discounts, airline miles and points to accumulate. So, look for options that fit your profile and offer more benefits.

In other words, if you are a person who likes to travel, look for a card that has discounts on hotels, travel insurance, and that accumulates air miles.

On the other hand, if you use your car a lot, look for cards with discounts and cashback on fuel. Anyway, this is a great way for you to receive small profits with your card.

Other data

In addition to all the points mentioned, it is worth saying that you can consider other variations when choosing your first credit card.

For example, you can take into account the advantages of each bank, the card brand, among other issues.

Furthermore, be aware that you will need to provide some important data such as marital status, nationality, income, proof of address, for example.

Discover a first credit card option: WiZink Benfica!

So, do you feel prepared to choose your first credit card based on our tips? Well then, know that you can discover some options right here on our website!

How about finding out more about the WiZink Benfica card? This is a credit card that offers exclusive opportunities for Benfica fans and members!

Furthermore, requesting the card is very simple. Want to know more? So come and see us step by step. Click the link below now!

Cartão WiZink Benfica com fundo vermelho

How to sign up for the WiZink Benfica card

You can apply for the WiZink Benfica credit card from the comfort of your home, and in a completely safe way, via the website, bank app or at official points.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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