
Care to be taken when setting up a savings account: don't make these common mistakes!

In order for your money to earn more and more, it is important to create saving mechanisms and habits. And a savings account can help with these goals. Understand how!


Learn the secrets of successful savers: start today!

Mão segurando caneta e apontando para crescimento de pilhas de moedas
Understand the precautions before investing! Source: AdobeStock.

Idle money is synonymous with losses, so setting up a savings account means investing your money and taking care to prevent it from depreciating over time. So, how about finding out more about this subject?

So, if you are worried about creating a nest egg, you will better understand how you can do it. Savings, although not very versatile, can offer different benefits, but also disadvantages.

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So, do you want to know what savings are, what types they are and what are the most important precautions when setting up your account? So, if you want to know more, check out all the details below!

What is a savings account?

Well, a savings account is a type of bank account to earn income on your money. Therefore, you can apply different amounts depending on the type of account and capitalize on the value in the account.

Furthermore, this is one of the safest types of investments there are. Therefore, the profitability is lower than other ways of saving and investing money.

But, to be profitable for you, the interest rate must always be higher than inflation. Otherwise you will be losing money!

Mulher fazendo contas e sorrindo

Why invest in a savings account? Learn to save!

Saving is one of the most fundamental elements of financial education! Opening a savings account increases the profitability of your money and is a flexible and safe way to invest.

There are two types of savings, those that are fixed-term and others that are fixed-term. In the first case, you cannot take your money out before a specific period of time.

Meanwhile, current savings accounts can be used at any time without limit or time restrictions.

How to open a savings account and how to set it up?

Opening a savings account is the best step if you want to start taking care of your money and investing! But, normally, to open your savings account, you need to have a current account at a bank or financial institution!

So, go to a branch at your bank, or access the digital version if there is one, and ask to start your savings account. In just a few moments you will be able to choose a type of savings and make the deposit!

Now that you know what it is and how to open a savings account, how about finding out a little more about the most important precautions when using a savings account?

Care to be taken when setting up a savings account

Homem sério segurando euros e fazendo sinal de "pare" com a mão
After all, what to expect? Source: AdobeStock.

So, if you're ready to open a savings account to deposit your money, first it's important to set goals. What is this account for? How much time do you want and can you invest?

These are simple questions that help you understand which type of savings account is best for you. Banks offer different types and types of accounts, for retirees and investors, for example.

By understanding your profile and ambitions, you will be better able to choose the appropriate account that offers you better opportunities to profit. In fact, this is another essential point, the income from savings and capitalization.

Check other fundamental points

For example, automating monthly deposits is a possibility that can be advantageous, as you don't need to put part of the money into your account monthly, the bank already mobilizes it.

At the beginning of the month, the amount defined when opening the account is transferred. But rest assured, you can cancel or modify the deposit amount at any time. In fact, this action helps with the temptation to spend the money!

Casal sorrindo e se olhando, cada um com uma criança nos ombros

Life Insurance: how important is it?

Life insurance is a type of investment. You pay a monthly fee and your family or even you can get the benefit when the time comes!

Furthermore, the possibility of mobilization is fundamental. For example, if you want to create an emergency fund, it is important that mobilization does not entail penalties, interest, among other negative points.

But, if you already have an emergency fund, you can create a second savings account, with deadlines and no deposits, as they tend to yield more and offer more benefits! In other words, the time will always depend on your objective!

Characteristics for setting up a savings account

Mãe e filha guardando dinheiro em porquinho
But, what is important to have a savings account? Source: AdobeStock.

In addition to the characteristics we have already seen, other issues are important to be careful with when setting up a savings account.

Interest due

The timing of interest due is fundamental, as there is the issue of capitalization. In other words, interest is paid once at the end of the stipulated period or it is deposited monthly, for example.

In the last case, if it is deposited monthly, each month, your income will be slightly higher than the previous one, due to the fact that your amount is growing!


Not all types of savings to create have the possibility of making reinforcements. Reinforcements are moments when you can deposit a new amount to reinforce your savings.

This differs from those that are scheduled, as it takes into account an extra amount of money!


Furthermore, renewing your savings is also essential when establishing your account.

This is because many savings accounts have automatic renewal and, if you do not want to renew, you must make sure to cancel it before the deadline.

Discover other options: D Savings Account

Now that you know all the precautions needed to set up a savings account, how about finding out about some exclusive options and starting to invest your money as soon as possible?

Therefore, one of the best current options available is the D savings account offered by Freedom Finance Europe. Therefore, to open this account, it is necessary to carry out financial transactions on the platform.

In fact, Freedom Finance Europe is not a bank, it is an investment institution. However, the D Savings Account works like a common savings account, but yields much more than in a traditional bank.

Furthermore, if you want to know more about how the D savings account works and make sure that this is the best option for you, you can check out more details in our review. Access the available link right now and set up your account!

Casal sorrindo e olhando para o horizonte

Savings account D: income of 3%!

Freedom24's D savings account offers unique returns. Your money is safe and you still receive passive income daily.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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