
What is the Recovery and Resilience Plan?

Understand the PRR, the program that concentrates measures and aid to help minimize the effects of the economic crisis on the lives of the Portuguese.


Find out what the Recovery and Resilience Plan is and how it works!

Logo PRR
Understand everything about the plan! Source: PRR.

With the support of the European Council, the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) was created to create several investments and reforms in Portugal.

Thus, as the country has faced an economic crisis in recent years, this program aims to contain the negative effects.

Nome do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

How to subscribe: Recovery and Resilience Plan!

The Recovery and Resilience Plan is in force until 2026. Understand what to do to subscribe and see the necessary data.

Furthermore, the idea is to create new mechanisms and opportunities to avoid future economic and social problems. But how does this affect each person?

Well, through this program there are several benefits for the population in general. Some are more indirect, but others are specific and you can adhere to them. Want to know more about how PRR works? So follow with us!

How does the Recovery and Resilience Plan work?

Imagem do plano com a palavra Resiliência
So, check out how it works! Source: PRR.

The Recovery and Resilience Plan is divided into several areas and aims to reach all Portuguese people. This program was created in 2021 and intends to extend until 2026. In other words, it is a long-term measure!

What is the objective?

Basically, the objective of the PRR is to try to improve the country's economic growth. As we have already mentioned, this is achieved through large investments and various reforms. Thus, the Plan is divided into three fundamental points.

Firstly, Resilience focusing on economic recovery and strengthening the economy and overcoming plans for possible other crises. Furthermore, there is the Climate Transition.

This pillar aims to transform forms of energy into renewable sources, seeking the country's sustainability. Meanwhile, Digital Transition seeks to achieve a digital transformation in public services and companies.

Bandeira de Portugal e mão oferecendo ajuda

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In this way, it aims to increase the country's economic and technological development. This division helps to better focus and organize the Recovery and Resilience Plan development programs.

Furthermore, these pillars operate in various areas of the State, such as:

  • Health;
  • Housing;
  • Culture;
  • Sea;
  • Forests;
  • Companies;
  • Public administration;
  • Mobility;
  • Education;

In total there are 20 involvement components of the program. 

Who are the beneficiaries?

Therefore, in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, there are different types of beneficiaries. In other words, the direct beneficiary depends on the project in question. However, there are programs that are aimed at:

  • Families
  • Companies
  • Schools
  • Public Entities
  • Public companies
  • Municipalities and Metropolitan Areas
  • Higher education institutions
  • Solidarity and Social Economy Institutions
  • Institutions of the Scientific and Technological System

In other words, not in all projects the intermediate beneficiary is citizens, like you. However, the final benefit is always for the Portuguese in general.

How to join the Recovery and Resilience Plan?

Well, did you find the Recovery and Resilience Plan interesting? Do you want to know how and in what ways to benefit? As we said, there are several aids and notices that are available. So, you need to pay attention to the news.

However, do you want to check out a step-by-step guide on how to take advantage of the PRR benefits? So, click on the link below and clarify all your doubts on how to apply!

Nome do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

How to subscribe: Recovery and Resilience Plan!

The Recovery and Resilience Plan is in force until 2026. Understand what to do to subscribe and see the necessary data.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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