
Get to know the Bitcoin cryptocurrency: what is it and how much is it worth?

What is the Bitcoin cryptocurrency? Many investors have doubts about this digital currency. After all, unlike physical currencies, such as the dollar and the real, Bitcoin only exists in the digital world. See below for more information!


Bitcoin Cryptocurrency: Find out everything about one of the world's main digital currencies! 

Bitcoin logotipo
After all, how does this cryptocurrency work? Source: Bitcoin.

Firstly, new investors have some questions about the cryptocurrency market, and one of them is the following: Bitcoin cryptocurrency, what is it? In this sense, unlike real currencies, it only exists in the digital world. 

Cryptocurrency emerged in 2009, as a way to facilitate all negotiations that take place on the internet. However, there is not much information about the creator, one of the few pieces of information is that the pseudonym is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that Satoshi is also the name given to the smallest fraction of Bitcoin. In other words, it would be like cents of currency, worth one hundredth of a thousandth of this cryptocurrency: 0.00000001 BTC.

In short, one of the main features of Bitcoin is to decentralize the world of trading. In other words, it does not have any financial institution or bank for the intermediation of money between two people. 

criptomoeda Bitcoin

How to buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency?

Discover the step-by-step guide to buying Bitcoin cryptocurrency, the most famous cryptocurrency in the world!

What is it and when did it appear?

Among the main features of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, we highlight the following: facilitating negotiations that take place over the internet. After all, unlike real currencies, such as the dollar and the euro, it is kept in a digital wallet and only exists on the internet. 

The basis of Bitcoin is cryptography. This technology is essential to provide greater security and anonymity during transactions. Because of this characteristic, Bitcoin is known as cryptocurrencies. 

Without regulation by a financial institution or bank, the Bitcoin process takes place through mining. Even though it has all these characteristics, many investors have the following question: What is Bitcoin Cryptocurrency?

Is Bitcoin a safe cryptocurrency?

Duas moedas de bitcoin com gráficos de exchange no fundo
Understand a little more about cryptocurrency. Source: Unsplash.

Among the world's main digital currencies, the Bitcoin cryptocurrency stands out!

Today cryptocurrency is very well known, this means that it is safer than any currency available on the market.

Superior to any traditional bank, the method for storing digital currencies is digital wallets. 

It is worth mentioning that Bitcoin does not have any point of failure. If any user tries to carry out a malicious action, they need to hack into a series of computers around the world. In other words, this task is almost impossible!  

Is Bitcoin cryptocurrency worth buying?

Anyway, now that you know what Bitcoin cryptocurrency is, you're probably wondering the following: is it worth it? The answer to this question is: it depends on the type of investor. 

So doing a complete analysis of Bitcoin is an excellent initiative! So remember to correctly analyze the best alternative for your profile, finding the best digital currency option. 

Furthermore, another tip that can help is to get in touch with professionals in the field. This is the best way to find the support you need to make this investment. 

Finally, see how to buy and start investing in Bitcoin, below:

criptomoeda Bitcoin

How to buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency?

Discover the step-by-step guide to buying Bitcoin cryptocurrency, the most famous cryptocurrency in the world!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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