
Discover Santander personal credit!

Santander personal credit can help you get out of trouble and differentiates itself from other options on the market. So, see everything about this loan option, advantages and disadvantages and how to take it out!


Santander personal credit: contract between €1,500 and €75,000 and have up to 84 months to pay!

Logotipo com transparência nas letras de Santander, o banco que oferece crédito pessoal Santander
Anyone who needs extra money can count on Santander personal credit. Source: Facebook Santander.

Anyone who needs extra money can count on Santander personal credit. It does not need justification for use and is still in good condition. Know more!

The service has all the reliability of Santander, in addition to providing a great amount and a considerable payment period. So, to find out more details about how it works, advantages and disadvantages and how to apply for the loan, keep reading.

Logotipo Santander, o banco que oferece crédito pessoal Santander

How to apply for Santander personal credit?

Check out all the options for taking out Santander credit and, with that, see how to get extra money!

Interest rate
TAN from 7,50% and APR from 13,1%
Payment deadline24 to 84 months
Benefits Deposit money within minutes of approval;
Possibility of taking out credit insurance;
Online ordering and evaluation;
No need to link the loan to a specific purpose.

How does Santander personal credit work?

Pessoa com caneta na mão, mexendo em calculadora, com notebook ao fundo. Simbolizando simular o crédito pessoal Santander online.
After all, how does it work and what are the advantages of Santander personal credit? Source: Canva.

This is a personal loan. Therefore, it does not require that an asset be given as collateral, such as a vehicle or property. Furthermore, it does not require you to indicate the purpose for which you intend to use your money.

In other words, you simply request the money, according to the limits established by the banking institution and your needs, and then use the amount as you wish.

Thus, you commit to paying monthly installments to pay off the loan. In fact, it is possible to take out credit insurance when taking out the loan. In this case, then, you are safe in case of job loss. Likewise, your family is not responsible for any installments in the event of any accident or misfortune.


Discover the main advantages of Santander personal credit:

  • Hire €1,500 and €75,000;
  • Have up to 7 years to pay off the loan;
  • Hire online, without needing to leave home;
  • Receive the money in your account within minutes of approval;
  • Before making the proposal, do an online simulation and know what to expect;
  • Possibility of taking out personal credit insurance;
  • No need to link the use of money to a specific purpose.


On the other hand, Santander personal credit also has its disadvantages. For example, of the total amount available it is only possible to contract €50,000 online. The remainder (25 thousand) only allows face-to-face hiring.

Furthermore, fees vary according to the customer and their conditions as a payer. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee that you will receive the minimum rates.

How to get Santander personal credit?

It is possible to take out credit through the Santander bank application or via the website. Likewise, at the bank's branches or by telephone. Finally, to find out in detail how to proceed, click on the link below and check it out!

Logotipo Santander, o banco que oferece crédito pessoal Santander

How to apply for Santander personal credit?

Check out all the options for taking out Santander credit and, with that, see how to get extra money!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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