
Discover the Caixa ITIC credit card

The Caixa ITIC credit card comes with the Visa International brand and several advantages. Keep reading to learn more about him and check out everything about him!


Caixa ITIC credit card

cartão de crédito Caixa ITIC
Everything you need to know about the card. Source: CGD.

Firstly, the Caixa ITIC credit card is international, with discounts and up to 50 days of interest-free credit and much more! So, find out everything about it and check if it’s perfect for your life.

In short, this is a card that is issued and managed by Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD). It differentiates itself mainly by the fact that it was developed especially for teachers! In this sense, here, educators have exclusive benefits that give them the recognition they deserve!

To find out more, then, continue reading and see, below, everything about the Caixa ITIC credit card!

Mão segurando cartão de crédito Caixa ITIC, óculos e livro de capa dura fechado ao fundo

How do I request the Caixa ITIC card?

See how to request the Caixa ITIC card, the card that offers exclusive benefits for your purchases!

Do you accept denial?Uninformed
BenefitsRecognition of the teacher's international status, with guaranteed benefits; flexible payments; access to exclusive insurance; up to 50 days of interest-free credit, rounding program that helps you save; Top Atlântico travel program; advantages for partners (discounts and special payment conditions); more than 150 thousand options for different and special experiences.

How does the Caixa ITIC card work?

cartão de crédito Caixa ITIC
After all, how does the card work? Source: Canva.

Firstly, this is a credit card that has a Visa International brand. Therefore, it allows worldwide purchases. Therefore, it is very interesting for bringing facilities and also for valuing these professionals who are so important in our lives: teachers. After all, it is exclusive to this group, which has a series of advantages here!


Discover some of the main advantages of the Caixa ITIC credit card:

  • International Visa Flag;
  • Recognition of the teacher's international status, with guaranteed benefits; 
  • Flexible payments; 
  • Additionally, access to exclusive insurance; 
  • Up to 50 days of interest-free credit;
  • Rounding program that helps you save;
  • Top Atlântico travel program; 
  • Advantages from partners (discounts and special payment conditions); 
  • In short, more than 150 thousand options for different and special experiences.


However, these are some of the negative points that we identified in the credit card:

  • Exclusive for teachers residing in Portugal;
  • Need to pay an annual fee (although the rate is not informed by the bank).

How to get a Caixa ITIC credit card?

Finally, if you meet the requirements for this credit card, which is exclusive to teachers, you can order your card online! So, to do this, go to the website, register and wait for contact from a Caixa de Depósitos professional.

From there, there is a video call for registration and analysis, as well as presentation of copies of identification documents, residence and professional proof as a teacher.

On the other hand, with the necessary documents you can also open the account and request the card in person. So, to find out step by step, see our special article to apply for the Caixa ITIC credit card!

Mão segurando cartão de crédito Caixa ITIC, óculos e livro de capa dura fechado ao fundo

How do I request the Caixa ITIC card?

See how to request the Caixa ITIC card, the card that offers exclusive benefits for your purchases!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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