
Portuguese Visa: everything about how to get it!

For those who want to obtain a Portuguese visa, you need to know the purpose of your trip. Whether for work, tourism, study or family reunion, there are many possibilities!


Find out how to get a Portuguese visa: travel to Portugal with more freedom!

Passaporte português com mapa mundi ao fundo
Find out everything about the Portuguese visa! Source: AdobeStock.

Getting a Portuguese visa is not an easy task, each of them requires a different type of action! So, if you intend to go to Lusitanian land, whether for tourism, work or study, find out how to obtain the necessary visa.

Furthermore, each country has specific rules for offering a visa. In this case, we will focus in this post on the rules in relation to Brazil, which has a direct historical and diplomatic relationship with Portugal!

Menina sorrindo mostrando passaporte para câmera

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The visa can be quite bureaucratic and requires several documents. In addition to being required to go to specific locations. In fact, it's worth remembering that planning your trip can be more work than you imagine.

So, there are some specific rules. But don't worry, we'll point out all the necessary details so you don't get lost. Additionally, you can follow a step-by-step guide to make your request!

Do Brazilians need to get a visa to go to Portugal?

Bandeira de Portugal, óculos e formulário de visto
Is it possible to get a visa? Source: AdobeStock.

The question of whether Brazilians need to obtain a Portuguese visa to visit the country is quite common among everyone. So, let's point out some basic questions about the subject and resolve all doubts!

Well, there is a people treaty between Portugal and Brazil. So, if you intend to go to Portugal just as a tourist, for sightseeing, you have the right to stay for up to 90 days in the country without needing to obtain a visa!

But if you want to stay in Portugal for longer, regardless of the reason, you will need to apply for a visa! Therefore, the reason for your stay will dictate the type of visa you should apply for! 

In fact, it is worth remembering that after the three-month period it is considered illegal to stay if you do not have the necessary documentation! So, let's check out some options!

Situations that require a visa to stay

Although many people think that you don't need a visa to stay in the country for less than 3 months, this is a mistake.

This way, if you need to go to Portugal for any reason other than tourism, you will have to get a Portuguese visa!

Therefore, we will check all the types of visas that will meet your best demands. With different permanence requirements that will guarantee your safety as an immigrant in the country.

Portuguese visa categories

Passaporte português sobre a mesa
After all, what are the types? Source: AdobeStock.

There are some categories, let's briefly analyze each of them! So let’s analyze which visa option best suits you!

In fact, the visa categories are related to the duration and time you intend to stay in the country. So, we selected some of the most popular types so you know what you need!

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  • Tourist Visa: for those who intend to visit Portugal for tourism, leisure or visiting family and friends for more than 90 days!
  • Student Visa: for those who intend to study in Portugal for a period longer than 90 days.
  • Work Visa: for those who intend to work in Portugal for a period longer than 90 days.
  • Residence Visa: for those who intend to reside in Portugal for a period longer than 90 days.
  • Investment Visa: for those who want to invest in Portugal, for example, in the purchase of a property.
  • Family Reunification Visa: for those who wish to reunite with family members who already reside in Portugal.
  • Transit Visa: for those who intend to stop in Portugal, on their way to another country.

Additionally, there may be other types of visas. Ideally, you should check all the details about each of them and the exact duration by contacting the Portuguese consulate or embassy!

How to get a Portuguese visa?

Firstly, check if you need a visa for Portugal, as we said, tourism does not require a visa for less than 90 days of stay.

Then, gather all the necessary documents for the visa. Requirements vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for, but include a valid passport, financial proof, health insurance, among others.

Then, you must schedule an interview at the Portuguese consulate closest to you. During the interview, you will need to present your documents and answer questions about your trip.

You will then need to pay the visa fee, which will vary depending on the type of visa and the length of stay you intend to stay! Well, then all you have to do is wait for your visa to be approved.

How long does it take for the visa to arrive?

After completing all the steps outlined above to obtain a Portuguese visa, you will need to wait for the document to arrive at your home. This may take a few weeks. So, you need to be calm and wait!

Once the visa is in your hands, carefully check the dates and other information on the document. Make sure your passport is valid for the duration of your visa to avoid any unforeseen circumstances!

Remember that rules and procedures may change, so it is important to check the updated information on the official website of the Portuguese Consulate in Brazil.

Or on the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) website in Portugal!

Discover other options: Cidadania4u service!

So, did you like knowing how to get a Portuguese visa? But, if you don't need a visa, but want to know how to get your European citizenship, now discover an app that helps with your entire bureaucratic process!

Therefore, the Cidadania4u service is a unique application that offers you the possibility of finding your citizenship without leaving home! When hiring the service, the app's prepared team will resolve all the details.

In other words, from finding documentation of your ancestors, to filing the process! So, if you want to be able to enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship, see how to use the app!

So, check out all the details in our review about Cidadania4u. Click now on the link below and find out more!

Fundadores da plataforma, time da empresa, passaportes e pessoas trabalhando

Cidadania4u App: acquire your foreign citizenship!

Cidadania4u is an application created to help those who want to have European citizenship, but don't know how to do it or don't want to wait in long queues at consulates!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

Reviewed by  / 

Senior Editor

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