
Cidadania4u App: acquire your foreign citizenship!

Cidadania4u is an application created to help those who want to have European citizenship, but don't know how to do it or don't want to wait in long queues at consulates!


Discover the Cidadania4u app: no bureaucracy!

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So, get to know the app and find out how it works! Source: Cidadania4u.

If you want to obtain European citizenship, but are having bureaucratic problems, know that Cidadania4u is a perfect app that works to resolve these situations! So, you can place your order without leaving home.

The Cidadania4u app offers unique advantages for everyone, you get consultancy, you can chat and ask questions with the startup team, as well as check your status in real time.

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How to download and use the Cidadania4u App?

Discover how to download and use the Cidadania4u app to start and follow your process of applying for European citizenship. Everything happens via cell phone!

Thus, this is considered the company that carries out the fastest citizenship process in Brazil! It can often be difficult to locate some documents in your ancestors' country of origin.

But, with Cidadania4u you don't have to worry. They find everything needed with teams on site! So, come find out more!

How does the Cidadania4u App work?

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After all, what is the platform like? Source: Cidadania4u.

The Cidadania4u application works as a facilitator between you and notary services and foreign consulates. This way, they can obtain the citizenship you are entitled to with great practicality.

Thus, you have access to a legal team that is both Brazilian and local, Italian and Portuguese! Furthermore, they take care of all the processes necessary for you to obtain your citizenship!

In fact, it is possible to consult Cidadania4u in person in addition to following its process online!

Furthermore, the application has the support of artificial intelligence to speed up the entire process and track various documents.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, it is only possible to apply for citizenship in Portugal and Italy! This is because each request has a different process and requirements.

In fact, the Cidadania4u app is preparing to launch support for Spanish citizenship in 2023! So, if this is your case, keep an eye on the website for updates!

Another important point, for you to obtain your citizenship, you obviously need to have some ancestor from the country you wish to have citizenship. In the case of Italian, there is no generational limit for the application!

Furthermore, they can search and find any ancestral document to begin the process. But to do so, you obviously need to provide some information!

How to download and use the Cidadania4u app?

Did you like to know how the Cidadania4u app works? So, rest assured that it is also easy to download and use! This way, you can follow your citizenship application process!

In fact, this is an app available for Android and iOS. If you want to know more about how you can access the application, check out our step-by-step guide designed to answer all your questions.

It's worth remembering that the app only works for those who have a process in order to monitor its progress! In any case, come and find out more! Click the following link now!

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How to download and use the Cidadania4u App?

Discover how to download and use the Cidadania4u app to start and follow your process of applying for European citizenship. Everything happens via cell phone!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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