
Labor law 2023: what are the approved changes and new features?

Since 2022, several points are being debated by parliament regarding changes to the Labor Law. They should come into force later this year! Find out what these laws are.


Find out what’s new in the Labor Law for 2023!

Mão batendo martelo de juiz
So, check out the changes in laws! Source: Pexels.

Since last year, the Labor Law has been discussed to bring news and improvements to citizens' lives. However, this legislation is still under discussion and implementation will be carried out in the first quarter of 2023.

So, let's get to know the main changes that have already been approved in political discussions and will probably come into force!

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First, let's go back a little to what has already happened. In 2022, the Portuguese Government sent a Law Proposal to parliament, number 15/XV.

Thus, during the year, this proposal underwent several changes and included suggestions and proposals from other parties. The Labor, Social Security and Inclusion Committee has already held all the necessary discussions!

What are the latest developments in labor law?

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After all, where did the changes occur? Source: Pexels.

Therefore, the changes foreseen in the labor law are related to the Decent Work Agenda. In other words, the changes are related to issues of temporary work, digital platforms, teleworking and collective bargaining.

Therefore, the estimated prediction is that from March onwards all the changes made will begin to take effect for workers.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that some of the proposals were criticized by society. However, here we will just point out some of these new developments in labor law without getting into the discussion!

Furthermore, the bill is still under discussion and is expected to end in January. However, some have already been approved during parliamentary discussions. So, let's check out these approved changes?

News approved in the Labor Law

Trabalhador descarregando caixas
See the news and stay up to date! Source: Pexels.

Here we list some of the changes and news in labor law that are most likely to impact your life! Therefore, without further delay, let's take a look at some of the points that were the targets of labor changes.


The first of the new developments in labor law that we will mention is the teleworking legislation. Therefore, following the application of the law, anyone who teleworks will have the right to receive a fixed amount from the employer.

In other words, this value relates to additional expenses that are currently the worker's cost.

For example, the intention is for the employer to cover electricity, internet, possible equipment, among other possible expenses.

Temporary contracts

Contracts of this type must not exceed a total of four years.

Remuneration for overtime work

Thus, another new feature in labor law is that, if overtime work exceeds 100 hours per year, it must follow the appropriate increments.

In the case of working days: 50% for the first hour or fraction and 75% for the next hour or fraction. On the other hand, in the case of a holiday or rest day: 100% per hour or fraction!

Parental Leave

If you plan to become a father soon, know that you could enjoy a change. Therefore, paternal parental leave undergoes a small modification. Therefore, currently, the father has the right to take 20 working days of leave.

So, as a result of the new labor law, this period is extended. Thus, it becomes a total of 28 consecutive or interpolated days.

Trial Period

Thus, in the case of young people who are looking for their first job, or in the case of long-term unemployed people, the trial period will change in duration.

This way, this time will be reduced or even eliminated depending on the circumstance!

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How to complete the digital NISS Registration for a foreign citizen?

Registering to receive a NISS is now much easier for foreigners. All you have to do is fill out an online form on the Social Security website.

Presumption of digital labor

This is one of the new features in labor law that is causing the most controversy. Well, this new law impacts some platforms like Uber and Glovo. Thus, from this legislation, there is a presumption of an employment contract.

In other words, even if there is no employment contract in the cases of these apps, from now on, this element will automatically be presumptive.

Prohibition of abdicative remission

Normally, when a contract ends, there is a proposal from the employer that the worker give up their salary credits, such as vacation and Christmas.

However, with the new legislation this becomes unfeasible. Companies cannot offer the possibility of abdication.

Increase in compensation amount

In addition to what was discussed in the previous topic, there will now be an increase in compensation. Previously, this amount was 18 days for each year worked. Now, this value becomes 24 days for each year of work.

Outsourcing ban

Another new development in labor law that is generating controversy. Companies will be prohibited from seeking outsourcing in cases of collective dismissal or dismissal due to the termination of a position in the last 12 months.

Collective contracting

Furthermore, companies with collective contracts will be able to access some European funds with advantages.


Furthermore, companies must justify firing or hiring decisions based on results offered by algorithms.

Therefore, this should be done for works councils so that the reasons and functionality of the algorithm are understandable.

Discover job offers: Pingo Doce

Did you enjoy learning about some of the latest news about labor law for the year 2023? So stay tuned! So, if you are looking for job opportunities, how about getting to know some companies here in Portugal?

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About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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