
Discover how to hide being online on WhatsApp

Many demands can arise on WhatsApp, not just professionally, but among friends and family. Keep your privacy on the app and don't appear online to everyone!


Hide your WhatsApp status and stop being disturbed!

Pessoa segurando celular com logo do Whatsapp
So, how about going unnoticed? Source: AdobeStock.

It's common when someone logs into the WhatsApp app for their status to change to online, but is it possible to hide this information to go unnoticed by other users who interact with you?

If you are looking for this information, know that it is not only possible to hide your status, but it is also very easy. But, you may also be wondering why you should hide your status.

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Well, there are many people who feel forced to respond to a message when they realize it is online. But, it's not every time you log into WhatsApp that you're available to chat, right?

So let's resolve this situation once and for all. Keep reading to find out how to make this change and change your life!

Techniques to reduce WhatsApp information

Mulher segurando celular com chat aberto
But what are the techniques? Source: AdobeStock.

Before we talk about how to hide your online presence on WhatsApp, it's worth remembering that there are other settings in the app to reduce other people's control over your presence on WhatsApp.

One of the alternatives is to disable the last seen option. Without this information, no one knows when the last time you logged into the app was. But, as a consequence, you will not be able to know this information from others either.

In addition, the message receipt marker can also be changed. Do you know how when you send a message two little lines appear and then they may or may not turn blue?

blue tick

In case you didn't know, the blue tick on WhatsApp means that the person you're chatting with has read your message! This can cause a lot of charges and discomfort, especially if you want to hide that you are online on WhatsApp.

Sometimes it happens that we accidentally view messages and don't have time to respond to the person who sent them. But when she sees that the message has been read, it can cause unnecessary charges and confusion.

Therefore, it is also possible to deactivate this function so that the color of the two ticks never changes to blue. This way, the person knows that the message was received, but they won't know when it is read!

Is it possible to know how many people blocked you on WhatsApp?

Homem pensativo olhando celular
After all, is it blocked? Source: AdobeStock.

There are some techniques that can help you find out if you have been blocked on WhatsApp. Do you have a flea behind your ear? Come and find out more then. Firstly, the person's photo may disappear.

Additionally, messages may appear as if they were not received by the recipient. All these points are strong signs of the blockade.

But this is not always a certainty, the best way to find out whether you have been blocked or not is to try adding the person in question to a WhatsApp group. If you can't, you can be sure you've been blocked!

Other information

Did you know that you can use WhatsApp on your computer, and that you can also hide that you are online?! This is possible through WhatsApp Web!

To do this, you need to open the browser page and then read the QR Code with your app.

However, it is important to be careful where you open your application. It can often end up left open and allowing other people to monitor your messages. To avoid this, you must check this information in the app.

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Access the “connected devices” option within the app’s settings tab. You can then check all the devices that are active with your account. If you don't recognize any, disconnect immediately!

How to hide online status on Whatsapp?

Without further ado, let's find out how you can hide your online status on WhatsApp. In fact, it is possible to hide your status on both Android and iOS. You can also make the change in the computer version.

So, on your phone, open WhatsApp. Then, go to the three dots in the top right corner of the application. Then, go to “settings” and then “account”. Access “privacy”.

After that, look for the “last seen” option. At this point, you must choose who you want to deactivate the status of, just your contacts, or anyone. As soon as you make your decision, you will already be invisible!

Recommended alternative: Cidadania4u!

Now that you know several techniques to use on Whatsapp and hide your online status so you can go unnoticed and have some peace, how about getting to know other apps that might interest you?

If you are not yet a Portuguese citizen, but are interested in obtaining citizenship, you can download the Cidadania4u app! This is an option created by Brazilians to help those who need to deal with the citizenship process.

Therefore, they offer consultancy and help at all stages of the order. In fact, the functionality is not restricted to Portugal, but can cover other European countries. So, if you want to know more, check out our review!

Access the link below to start the process right now and become a European citizen!

Fundadores do app segurando passaporte estrangeiro

Cidadania4u App: acquire your foreign citizenship!

Cidadania4u is an application created to help those who want to have European citizenship, but don't know how to do it or don't want to wait in long queues at consulates!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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