
Who doesn't need to file the IRS in 2023?

Obtain your IRS declaration exemption certificate as soon as possible and rest assured regarding this commitment to the government.


Are you exempt from submitting the IRS in 2023? Discover the cases!

Tela de computador com lente de óculos na frente com página da Autoridade Aduaneira aberta
But, doesn't everyone need to deliver? Source: AdobeStock.

It is important to submit your IRS declaration on time every year, including in 2023! This ensures that you are always within the legislation, and that there is no need to pay fines or problems later!

Thus, in 2023, IRS delivery runs from April 1st to June 30th! Therefore, be careful that the date does not pass and you get involved in problems later! So, the most recommended thing is to make your declaration soon.

Mulher fazendo cálculo na calculadora

How to reduce IRS withholding: find out more!

Those who retain mortgage credit have a new advantage in 2023. That is, you can request a reduction in your monthly IRS withholding!

But, did you know that there are some categories of people who can be exempt from submitting to the IRS? Although this is easy, as the IRS declaration can take a few hours to complete, no one is prohibited from doing so!

So, come and find out how the IRS declaration works, whether or not you need to submit yours this year! Furthermore, find out how to obtain your document that proves your exemption!

How to obtain the IRS delivery exemption certificate?

Mulher fazendo cálculos e olhando notebook
So, check out how to get your exemption! Source: AdobeStock.

By the way, did you know that it is possible to obtain a certificate of exemption from IRS delivery? So, stay tuned and we'll show you how you can obtain this document online so you don't have to fill out the 2023 IRS!

On the other hand, it is also possible to go to one of the Finance branches and make your request in person. But, it's much faster over the internet, isn't it? If the objective is practicality, let's see how to obtain your certificate!

Go to the Finance website

So, if you can be exempt from submitting the 2023 IRS, go to the government website and fill in your details to gain access! On the other hand, you can create your registration in “Register” and follow the instructions!

In addition, go to “citizens”, then the “service” option and follow the following links: “IRS delivery exemption”, “deliver request”. This way, just select the corresponding year!

Furthermore, it will now be possible to view the file, which can be downloaded anywhere! Okay, now you can check your document!

Which taxpayers are exempt from submitting the IRS in 2023?

Firstly, remember that the declaration must be made based on the previous tax year. So, now you will need to fill in the information related to the year 2022. This way, separate all your documents.

However, some cases do not need to be submitted to the IRS in 2023, let's check what those cases are?

  • Taxpayers who received income from dependent employment or pensions of up to 8,500 euros, as long as they were not subject to withholding tax.
  • Taxpayers who received taxed income from interest on bank deposits or other investments, as long as they are not included, in cases where this is permitted;
  • Taxpayers who received subsidies or subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) of less than 1,772.8 euros, which can be accumulated with income taxed by exemption rates and income from dependent work, or pensions, as long as, alone or combined, they do not exceed 4 104 euros;
  • Income from isolated acts up to four times the value of the IAS in 2022, that is, 1,772.8 euros.

But in which cases is the exemption revoked?

In this case, some requirements mean that the person needs to make the declaration even if it fits into one of the points mentioned above. So, let's see which fields are covered.

Família feliz segurando chave de casa e desenho de casa

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House rent values were rising a lot and would become even higher with rising inflation this year. With this in mind, the Government created a brake to help tenants.

Firstly, if you choose to carry out joint taxation in 2023, you will not be exempt from making the declaration and must submit it to the IRS. Additionally, all people who in 2022:

  • They received food pensions taxed independently at the rate of 20% with an annual value above 4,104 euros;
  • They received income in kind through the granting of a vehicle or the provision of a house, among others;
  • They received temporary and lifetime income in addition to the payment of retirement or retirement, old-age, disability or survival pensions and others of the same type;

Other information about the IRS

Mão digitando em calculadora
Understand more about IRS! Source: AdobeStock.

Also, remember that all your dependents must be attached to your IRS declaration!

In fact, if you request some government benefits, such as Family Allowance, it is essential that the beneficiary children are included as dependents in the IRS declaration you will make!

Furthermore, pay attention to all the information you provide about your income! They are all essential for everything to happen in the best way possible. So, be calm and patient!

Discover other options: find out how to do IRS Jovem!

Furthermore, now you know who does not need to submit the 2023 IRS, you can now prepare or calm down! Furthermore, if you need to declare, but you are between 18 and 26 years old, did you know that you can opt for IRS Jovem?

This is a modality aimed at facilitating the process for those who are making their first or one of their first tax declarations! This way, it can be much simpler and more intuitive!

In other words, if you want to find out more information about how to proceed and what are the advantages of declaring as a Young Person, click on the button below and don't miss this opportunity! The tax paid is lower!

Menina jovem sorrindo em frente ao notebook

IRS Jovem: what is it?

The IRS is a tax that must be paid by everyone who has income. But, if you are young, you can request tax exemption to improve your earnings! Find out how it works!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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