
Happy Daycare Program: what is it?

The Happy Daycare Program was designed to help citizens who need to place their children in a care institution, but do not have the money. The benefit came to solve the problem of lack of vacancies.


Discover the Happy Daycare Program: free for your child

Criança desenhando em papel
So, find out everything about the program! Source: Social Security.

The Creche Feliz Program is a Portuguese government initiative that aims to include, free of charge, all children within the country's daycare system.

So, to find out more, just access the Social Security website, which is the body responsible for implementing and regulating this program throughout the country. Just check out the official link below.


Government Benefit

Happy Daycare

baby to work

Free daycare to support families and children regardless of their financial situation!

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In fact, you must insert yourself even if the solidarity networks are already full! In other words, the project includes those from the profitable network. Furthermore, do you want to know more about this benefit?

So, let's find out who is entitled to the Happy Day Care Program, how it works and what the requirements are to participate and choose the daycare center for your child!

How does the Happy Day Care Program work?

Propaganda programa Creche Feliz
So, see the advantages! Source: Social Security.

This is a program that allows you to send your child to daycare without any problems or difficulties, regardless of your financial situation.

Thus, from September 2022, all social and solidarity daycare centers, as well as childminders regulated by Social Security and, as a last resort, institutions in the profit sector will become free.

Furthermore, you can use the benefit for the entire period your child needs to attend the location. Therefore, there are no early end deadlines.

In the case of private daycare centers, the institution can fill out a form on the internet and join the initiative. The government reimburses all of the child's costs. By the way, what are these costs?

What costs are covered by the government?

It is important to point out the points covered by the free Creche Feliz Program. Thus, all food expenses, including those special for any medical issue.

Another covered expense is daycare activities, such as educational and recreational activities, as well as personal hygiene and others!

Furthermore, all expenses related to extended working hours and weekly extensions are also covered by Social Security, as well as registration, renewal and even insurance!

Therefore, this is a positive point for private sector daycare centers to sign up to participate in this inclusion project!

Who can request the benefit?

All children are entitled to government benefits. However, anyone born before September 1, 2021, can only use the benefit if they are between the 1st and 2nd income bracket of the family benefit.

On the other hand, for children born after and including this date, they all have the right to attend daycare centers in the solidarity network, childminders and daycare centers in the for-profit network with a grant!

Are there priorities in the request?

Yes, the household's financial situation is a fundamental point for prioritization. In addition, the fact that the child had attended a daycare center the previous year was also important.

In fact, children with disabilities are also prioritized, as well as children with siblings and parents who study. Children from single-parent families are also prioritized when applying for a place.

Furthermore, the entire list of priorities can be found on the Social Security website!

Advantages and disadvantages

But is the Happy Day Care Program worth it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this benefit?

One of the positive points is that the family has complete freedom to choose the daycare they prefer for their child. However, there must be a space available for registration to take place.

Another positive point is that even if there are no vacancies in social sector daycare centers, it is possible to turn to partner daycare centers in the private sector! This way, children are not left without the benefit!

On the other hand, to be able to use a for-profit daycare center, all places in the solidarity daycare centers in your region must be full. Furthermore, no other disadvantages were found.

How do I request the Happy Daycare Program?

Placa da Creche Feliz
After all, how can you get the benefit? Source: Social Security.

Finally, did you see how this is a fundamental benefit for all children to have the right to study? In fact, the process is very simple, and you can do it using an online form.

You can find more information and even start your process using the button below!

Furthermore, we will learn a step-by-step guide that will guide you to request the benefit in a simple way. Clear all your doubts by reading the text below! Or, take advantage and visit the official website below to see the details!


Government Benefit

Happy Daycare

baby to work

Free daycare to support families and children regardless of their financial situation!

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Step by step to request the Happy Day Care Program

Firstly, to request the Happy Daycare Program, you must start by filling out the form available on the Social Security website. Then, go to the page and click on the “Social Support and Programs” option on the top tab.

Then select the first option “Happy Daycare” and wait while you are redirected. So, in the “Support Request” tab, you can find the form highlighted in green!

In fact, it's worth remembering that you must fill out one form per child! Therefore, you must provide some information, such as name, NISS, date of birth and also information regarding geographic data.

On the other hand, if your child already attends a daycare center, you must complete a declaration together with the person responsible for the establishment in order to complete the previous form.

More options: learn about Family Allowance

Now that you know what the Happy Day Care Program is, how about enrolling your child in this government benefit? Furthermore, if your family is experiencing financial difficulties, you should know about Family Allowance.

This is a federal government initiative to help needy families support children and young people. Thus, the aim is to keep kids in schools and help with money to support the family.

So, if you think you can qualify for this benefit, come find out more about how it works. We have prepared an exclusive post with a step-by-step guide to help you request the benefit smoothly.

Therefore, click on the link below to find out more details about this fundamental benefit!

Logo do Governo de Portugal

Family allowance for children and young people 2022: understand the benefit!

With Family Allowance you can help with the education and support of your children. Find out now how it works, who can apply and which category you fall into.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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