
Crypto FX: Invest in Bitcoin and more with Banco Carregosa

Discover and learn how to invest in Crypto FX to gain exposure to the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, all through Banco Carregosa (BC)!


Banco Carregosa: understand how investing in Crypto FX works 

Logotipo Banco Carregosa, através do qual é possível investir em Crypto FX. No logotipo, além do nome do banco, também está escrito 1883
So, how to invest in Crypto FX with a complete platform without the need for crypto wallets? Source: Banco Carregosa.

Banco Carregosa is one of the most solid financial institutions in Portugal. Currently, it provides various banking services such as investing in Crypto FX.

In fact, everything is regulated by the competent institutions, such as the Bank of Portugal and the Securities Market Commission. So, let's understand more about this.

Tela de celular com gráficos de Crypto FX do Banco Carregosa. Mãos e mangas de terno, feitas com ilustração, tocando na tela do celular

How to join Banco Carregosa?

You can get exposure to the cryptocurrency market through Forex trading on the best platform offered by Banco Carregosa. See how to join!

Banco Carregosa was founded in 1833, in Porto, and was one of the first banks to offer brokerage services. In fact, if you are looking for security and reliability, this bank could be an excellent option for you.

After all, BC offers a wide variety of investments, such as shares, CFDs, options, futures, bonds and forex. And, despite not offering cryptocurrencies themselves, the bank provides the possibility of investing in Crypto FX.

What is Crypto FX?

In general terms, Forex or FX is the market where currencies from around the world are traded. It is based on the law of supply and demand and therefore has high liquidity.

Just like other banks, at Banco Carregosa Forex trading costs are affordable. Now, when we talk about Crypto FX, we are mentioning cryptocurrencies.

Although BC does not offer direct investments in digital assets, the institution allows you to be exposed to the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market through Forex trading.

That is, you are exposed to Ethereum, Bitcoin and Litecoin through their combination with currencies such as the Euro, Dollar and Japanese Yen.

Is it worth investing in Crypto FX at Banco Carregosa?

Mão com esmalte segurando moeda de Bitcoin, fundo com rosas vermelhas. Simbolizando investimento em Crypto FX com o Banco Carregosa
Understand more about how investing in Crypto FX works through Banco Carregosa. Source: Unsplash.

Banco Carregosa is one of the most solid banks in Portugal. So, if we only consider the issue of security, this institution is already worth opening an account.

Furthermore, it provides a wide range of services that follow the guidelines of regulatory institutions at highly competitive prices.

As for investments, although the BC does not offer cryptoassets, it does offer the option of exposure to cryptocurrencies through Forex trading, always with leverage.

However, the bank warns of the high risk involved in this type of operation. Despite this, you won't necessarily need to resort to crypto wallets.

Dinheiro em notas de 50, junto com moedas de bitcoin, simbolizando aderir à corretora BitPreço

What is the future of cryptocurrencies in Portugal?

Understand what the future of cryptocurrencies will be like in Portugal, including where they are accepted as a form of payment and why it is important to invest in them today using safe brokers.

After all, this is a flexible investment that takes advantage of rises and falls in the crypto market, and the investment can be divided into an amount less than one unit of digital currency.

Furthermore, you will have access to the most complete and award-winning trading platform in the country: GoBulling Pro, which has intuitive navigation and full integration of trading resources.

In fact, it allows investors the reliability and speed they need to optimize gains and avoid losses. By having access to GoBulling Pro, you also guarantee access to the app and GoBulling Pro Go.

These two features allow investments in numerous instruments. Finally, the bank allows you to try a Demo version for 60 days.


  • Banco Carregosa is one of the most solid financial institutions in Portugal;
  • Provides trust, security and access to various banking services;
  • Offers Crypto FX, with exposure to cryptocurrencies through Forex trading;
  • It has one of the best trading and investment platforms on the market;
  • Crypto FX is flexible and does not require crypto wallets;
  • The investment can be fractionated to an amount less than one unit of digital currency;
  • Forex trading has affordable costs;
  • BC provides a Demo version of the investment platform for 60 days.


  • Does not allow investments directly in cryptocurrencies;
  • Prices may be slightly higher than other brokers.

How to join Banco Carregosa?

Finally, knowing the risks of investing in Crypto FX, you can proceed with such an asset through a bank you trust and a complete trading platform. So, see how to join BC.

Tela de celular com gráficos de Crypto FX do Banco Carregosa. Mãos e mangas de terno, feitas com ilustração, tocando na tela do celular

How to join Banco Carregosa?

You can get exposure to the cryptocurrency market through Forex trading on the best platform offered by Banco Carregosa. See how to join!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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