
Insurance and Mutualist Plans: what are they?

Mutualism is a basic principle of the insurance field. Find out more about these plans that operate in the areas of health and social security.


Discover what Mutualist Insurance and Plans are!

Pessoas de negócios em reunião em sala de vidro
So, find out everything about these insurances and plans! Source: AdobeStock.

Have you heard about insurance or mutual plans, but don't know what they are? So, here we answer your questions about this type of insurance.

Mutualism is a movement and a private system of social protection for different risks. This can be directed to various points, such as insurance, funds, pensions, among others. 

Cofrinho preto de porquinho, com várias moedas ao redor. Representando como conseguir empréstimo em Portugal.

What are the insurances associated with the loan?

The insurance associated with the loan exists to guarantee the institution providing the credit lines that there will be no default on the part of the consumer.

Thus, mutualism is made up of a group of people who are taking the same risks, known as the mass of insured people.

In this way, each individual in this mass provides a minimum value for the collective fund to cover someone's loss, if any.

Insurance Companies and Mutualism

Firstly, it is worth highlighting that the basic concept of mutualism is already embedded in any insurance company.

This happens because it is the contribution of the collective, or the mass of policyholders, that allows the insurer to have the fund available.

This way, with this fund it is possible to cover a possible accident or need for one or more of the insured.

However, in most cases, the profit is associated with the service provided by the private company, which increases the cost of monthly fees.

Mutualist Associations

Pessoas assinando contrato enquanto outra aponta calculadora
After all, what are associations? Source: AdobeStock.

On the other hand, there are Mutualist Associations, also known as Mutualidades. In this case, these are private institutions of social solidarity.

In Portugal, Mutualist Associations have attracted more and more people, mainly in the area of health and Social Security.

Thus, they present themselves as alternatives to state and private systems that aim for profit. Therefore, a Mutuality does not have a profit-making purpose.

The objective is always the collective good and supporting the people who are part of the fund when they need it. Therefore, there is a limited number of members.

Discover some mutual plans and insurance

In the health sector, for example, mutual plans are very common. Therefore, thanks to these plans there is no discrepancy between older and younger people.

Everyone has the right to participate, everyone has access to the same benefits and everyone must contribute amounts proportional to their age group.

Thus, this is a system based on ideals such as:

  • Solidarity;
  • Autonomy;
  • Freedom;
  • Responsibility;
  • Transparency;
  • Equality; 

Association for Solidarity and Social Development

A group that stands out in its activities in Portugal is the Association for Solidarity and Social Development (ASDS).

In support of another French institution, MGEN, this group offers a completely viable health plan for everyone.

Furthermore, some of the ASDS initiatives and principles are:

  • Support for families;
  • Social and community integration;
  • Health promotion;
  • Education and professional training;
  • Resolution of housing issues
  • Promotion of mutual aid and collective practices;
  • Organization and management of social support equipment and services for everyone;
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MGEN, Mutuelle Générale de L'Éducation Nationale, is a democratic health insurer of French origin. It offers mutual insurance and health plans.

All money left over from individual payments is reinvested for the benefit of the members themselves. Furthermore, this company has been operating in Portugal since 2010.

Check out some of the benefits of being part of this mutual plan:

  • There is no age limit;
  • There is no medical questionnaire to join;
  • Treatment of any diseases, whether rare or serious;
  • You can register with pre-existing and congenital illnesses
  • No unilateral termination of the contract;

Portuguese Social Security

This institution, also known as APP, is another Mutualist Association. Thus, it operates in different social areas of insurance and mutual plans. Therefore, its objective is to guarantee several quality services, such as:

  • social Security
  • health
  • housing
  • teaching
  • cultural development
  • quality of life

Expanding Mutual Insurance and Plans

Pessoas em reunião de finanças com gráficos na tela no notebook
But is it worth it? Source: AdobeStock.

Furthermore, Mutualist Associations are expanding greatly in Europe and in Portugal. Thus, these insurance initiatives and mutual plans present themselves as a “third way”.

In other words, an attempt to improve the social condition of individuals and families. If you are interested in these issues, look for an insurance or health plan that fits this logic and philosophy.

Collective thinking is very important for a healthy society and can help you. The biggest advantage is the lower prices, as there is no need to pay for the company's profit.

All money invested is used in a collective fund for everyone and surpluses are reinvested!

Discover Rent Protection Insurance Peace of mind: the security of the tenant and the owner!

Do you understand better what mutual insurance and plans are and how they work? So how about finding out more about specific insurance? Tranquilidade Rent Protection Insurance is ideal for landlords or tenants of a property.

This is private insurance intended for the rental of a property. If the tenant cannot pay the rent for some urgent reason, the rent is paid by the insurance company.

Thus, both tenant and renter benefit from the insurance and anyone can take out insurance! Interesting, isn't it? So if you want to know how to join this proposal, know that it is very easy!

So, click on the link below and check out an exclusive step-by-step guide for you. Whether you are an owner or a renter, make your request now with the peace of mind that your rental is assured!

Seguro Proteção de Rendas

How to sign up for Tranquility Income Protection Insurance: check online!

To sign up for Tranquilidade insurance, you begin your online simulation process. Just access to ensure the protection of your property!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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