
What are credit simulation platforms? Discover everything about them!

If you want to know what credit simulation platforms are, know that you are in the right place. Ask any questions about them and how they work!


Find out what credit simulation platforms are and how they can help you

imagem com uma calculadora, celular e alguns papéis sobre a mesa
How credit simulation platforms work. Source: Pexels.

Credit simulation platforms can be great allies for those looking for a loan in the market. Easy to use, they bring security to your operations!

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How to use the simulator to consolidate Partens credits

Partens' credit consolidation simulator is an excellent option for you who want to know the best credit conditions. Look!

They are available online and can be accessed by anyone. Therefore, they are democratic, in addition to being excellent as tools for accessing information.

What are credit simulation platforms?

They are tools that compare different credit options available on the market. This way, they help you visualize the conditions of each of them.

But how so?

Imagine that you are looking for a personal credit option to take out. There are several available on the market, which can make choosing difficult.

After all, each of them has its own conditions. Furthermore, they can also target different consumer profiles, as well as have different rules.

These conditions include interest, fees, credit opening commission, payment term, possibility of offering an asset as a guarantee for the operation, etc.

Note that all of these issues are complex and may be difficult for a layman in finance to understand.

And it doesn't stop there! Since there are several options and each of them has important characteristics, how can we compare them in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each one?

Well, that's where credit simulation platforms come into play. They are the tools that help you compare options and break down data about each of them.

How do credit simulation platforms work?

The platforms are available on the internet. Therefore, it is up to the consumer interested in credit to seek out its services.

In general, the operation of each of them is the same. They present a form that requires some data, such as the desired credit, payment term and amount.

Furthermore, the consumer may have to indicate whether they are employed, their average income and their age group.

With this basic data, the platform then analyzes which credit options are available for these conditions and this generalized profile.

It presents information such as average interest, available payment term and maximum amounts available, as well as other fees, benefits or requirements.

Is the credit simulation free?

Yes, it is free, after all it only presents the options available on the market and does not do the hiring itself.

It is simply a data search that gathers and organizes the main information about the banks and credit formats available.

Therefore, there is no commitment or need to pay fees to use the resources.

What data is needed to carry out the credit simulation?

To carry out a credit simulation, in general, you need:

  • Required amount;
  • Payment term;
  • Inform the age group;
  • Monthly income.

Therefore, it is simple data. See, then, that there is no need to identify yourself. At no time should you provide your NIF or other information that identifies you.

Identification is only necessary when actually making a credit proposal to a bank.

If any simulator requires data that allows your identification (with the exception of contact data), be wary!

Will the information given in the credit simulation be applied to my contract?

Not necessarily. Credit simulation platforms gather general data from each operation and do not represent banks.

Therefore, they are important as they help you to know the general way in which each bank operates, the minimum conditions imposed, etc.

However, this does not mean that you will get a contract with the minimum rates. This will always depend on your real personal conditions.

For example, your income, age group, household and effort rate. Likewise, your history as a payer in the market and your score.

What are credit simulation platforms for?

imagem com uma mulher com um celular na mão pesquisando sobre o que são plataformas de simulação de crédito
Learn how credit simulation platforms work. Source: Pexels

They serve to help guide consumers seeking credit in the market. This way, he can know general data that demonstrates what the best conditions are.

After all, they bring together the average interest rates (minimum and maximum rates) of each bank, the available payment terms, etc. This way, you immediately know what to expect when seeking the services of a bank. 

However, to know exactly the proposal for your profile, you will need to contact the bank itself and ask for proposals.

Therefore, even though the platform gathers information and the general average of conditions, it does not guarantee that the interest rates will be this or that way, as it does not offer the final proposal.

Benefits of credit simulation platforms

Check out the benefits of using the services of this type of platform.

Compare conditions easily

With a credit simulation platform you can easily compare the options and conditions available on the market!

The simulators bring them together and place them side by side, so that in just a few seconds you have useful information about credit alternatives on the market at your disposal!

Assistance with gathering data

With a credit simulation platform you can easily gather data on credit options on the market!

After all, the simulator alone gathers data such as average interest rates, payment terms, available amounts, average installments, etc. This saves you time!

Find out who the best institutions are

Even though there is no guarantee that you will get the institution's minimum and friendliest conditions, you know right away which ones have the best rates, fees, etc.

Finally, if you want to know a little more about credit intermediation companies, find out how to hire CrediSolutions below. With it, you can have a personal, consolidated or housing line of credit.

How to hire CreditSolutions?

CreditSolutions is a company that mediates credit negotiations with the main Portuguese banks. To find out how to hire, read here!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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