
How to get a credit spread bonus? Understand what it is and how it works

The credit spread subsidy can help you save a large amount per month on your loan installments! Check out how it works and what to do to get it below!


What is credit spread?

imagem com um homem em frente a um computador pesquisando sobre como obter a bonificação no spread do crédito
Understand what the credit spread is. Source: Pexels.

The spread is one of the fees that make up the interest rates on a credit. However, there are some rules for obtaining a credit spread bonus. Therefore, when they lower the monthly installment, its value is also limited.

The spread is often taken as the profit that the institution can obtain when providing a loan. Thus, it would represent the difference she would earn by investing this amount in investments and granting the loan.

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But not only that. Credit spread refers to the risk a bank assumes when granting credit. Therefore, when a person does not have a good credit score, the credit spread tends to be greater.

This also happens when the bank itself finds itself in financial difficulties, as well as in times of economic crisis.

How does the credit spread work?

There is no standard, so each bank determines its own criteria. Furthermore, it also varies depending on each client.

After all, different consumers present different default risks. Therefore, the way it works and the determination of its rates vary.

What is a credit spread bonus?

The credit spread bonus refers to the possibility of lowering these rates. In other words, reducing one of the factors that make up the interest on the installments.

As a result, the value of the installment itself objectively decreases, as one of its two bases (spread and index) will decrease.

Thus, the bonus refers to the achievement of some condition that reduces the risk that the bank assumes.

With this, it benefits the citizen by reducing fees, which is reflected in the reduction of monthly installments and proves to be savings!

How does the credit spread bonus work?

The bonus can be achieved in different ways. However, be careful! Since the spread is part of the bank's profit, it will not always be easy to reduce it.

This is generally an exchange relationship. For example, the bank reduces the rate as long as the consumer contracts other services from the institution.

In this case, it is as if the total amount used was divided so that part of it was used for other services. Thus, what is compensated in one installment appears in another.

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However, even in this case there may be advantages. After all, the amount previously paid for 1 service now covers 2 or more.

However, this is not the only way to achieve a lower credit spread, either at the time of contracting or throughout the contract, with refinancing.

Check out, below, 4 ways to get a credit spread bonus without complications. So, see how to save and get more services!

How to get a credit spread bonus?

imagem com uma pessoa segurando um cartão de crédito, algumas notas de dinheiro em frente a um computador para pesquisar sobre obter bonificação no spread do crédito
Find out how to get a credit spread bonus. Source: Canva.

We have selected 4 main ways to obtain a credit spread bonus. To find out what they are, continue reading and see each one of them in the items that follow.

Hiring more banking services or products

This is one of the main ways to obtain a credit spread bonus. In this case, the bank allows the reduction of interest rates with a counterpart from the consumer.

It reveals itself in the contracting of other services and products. For example, credit cards or insurance. Also, investments and the like.

Therefore, in this case, the consumer who paid X in credit installments may continue to have a debt of the same amount. However, now X equals more products!

Larger entry

This is a way to get the credit spread bonus right away. It corresponds to the offer of a larger down payment on the loan.

It generally relates to housing credit or to obtaining a car. In the case of housing, it is normally 20 or 10%.

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However, nothing prevents the consumer from offering a higher entry fee. This reduces the amount that the bank will grant in credit format.

Furthermore, the bank's risk decreases not only due to the lower amount lent, but also due to the demonstration of willingness to pay off the loan as quickly as possible.

Reduced effort rate 

The effort rate corresponds to how much of your monthly budget is committed to paying credit installments.

The more the installments compromise your earnings, the higher the effort rate and spread. Therefore, one way to obtain a credit spread bonus is to reduce the effort rate.

This is beneficial as it reduces the chances of the consumer defaulting, which reduces the bank's risk.

To reduce the rate, a good way is to increase the loan payment time. Or, add other household income.

The ideal way to obtain the credit spread bonus by reducing the effort rate is that it should not be greater than 35%.


Finally, our last tip for reducing installments and obtaining a credit spread bonus involves guarantees.

That is, giving an asset as collateral to the bank. During the payment of the credit installments, it remains in your possession, but the property is suspended.

An asset under collateral cannot be sold or traded with other people. However, it can greatly reduce the spread rate.

This happens because the bank knows that if the consumer defaults, it can take ownership of the asset for itself.

Among the assets that are generally provided as credit collateral are real estate. In fact, know that it is possible to offer the property whose credit you financed.

Another way to obtain a credit spread bonus by offering guarantees is by using a guarantor.

However, if you need to get extra credit and not have any more headaches, here's an alternative!

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About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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