
How does consolidated credit work? Is it a good option?

Knowing how consolidated credit works is very important, especially when you are looking for financial services and products. Keep reading and find out everything about it!


What is consolidated credit and how does it work?

Imagem com uma homem com carteira na mão após como o crédito consolidado funciona
Learn how consolidated credit works. Source: Pexels

Today we will see everything about how consolidated credit works, a financial product that can greatly help those who have debts that they want to organize. Also, it can be essential to reduce your financial obligations.

But how does it work, exactly? When we talk about credit consolidation, we are referring to the possibility of combining several installments into one. In this case, then, debt installments.

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Consider, for example, that you pay installments on personal, housing and car loans. In this case, you pay 3 installments every month, as well as being responsible for fees and charges for each of these operations.

What if it were possible to turn these three debts into one? That's what consolidated credit does. In fact, it not only allows you to unify your debt installments, but also helps to limit the value of your outstanding debts.

This is because when consolidating installments with this type of credit you no longer need to pay 3 different fees or incur fees for 3 operations. The previous plural credits become one. And in doing so, they demand one-time fees and charges.

How does consolidated credit work?

You do not need to contract consolidation with the same bank where the credits you intend to consolidate come from. This type of operation works by hiring a third company that negotiates with the first and carries out the consolidation.

With this, you start paying this last company, which carried out the consolidation, a single installment. This single installment, then, represents all other previous credits, which were consolidated into a single debt.

What are the advantages of consolidated credit?

imagem com um teclado, café e carteira sobre a mesa para iniciar um assunto sobre crédito consolidado
Find out more about consolidated credit. Source: Pexels.

Before we see how taking out consolidated credit works, see what benefits this format offers. So, check if it’s worth it for you!

Reduce the value of your debts

The first big advantage of consolidated credit is that it offers the possibility of limiting the amount of your debts. This is because by unifying more than one debt into one, it eliminates the plurality of fees and tariffs.

After consolidation, you will only deal with one monthly installment. Therefore, with rates and fees consistent with just one debt. This way, there is a significant reduction in the value of your monthly debts.

It is no coincidence that many companies that offer this type of credit claim that it is possible to reduce the value of your debts by up to 60%! Now, 60% of the value of the monthly installments represents a lot!

And you can then use that money for other purposes. For example, for investments. Or, to save for the future. Likewise, to improve their living conditions. All this without failing to honor your debts!

Organization of your debts

Continuing with the advantages of the way consolidated credit works, we note that it helps organize finances and debts. This is natural, as it consolidates a series of pending issues into one.

This way, the chances of missing the deadline are limited. Or, forgetting one of the installments that must be paid during the month. You find greater financial balance and have everything properly monitored.

Possibility of hiring online

Most companies that work with consolidated credit allow online contracting. This factor makes it easier for customers. After all, it is possible to seek financial solutions from the comfort of your home.

In fact, it's not just that! Companies that allow online contracting of how consolidated credit works also offer online simulation. Therefore, you know exactly where you are entering and what conditions apply.

However, it is worth remembering that this is not true for all companies. In other words, not all companies allow online contracts, although most of them do.

Possibility of contracting an additional amount

Another point that makes consolidated credit and the way it works very interesting is the possibility of contracting an additional amount. In this case, you consolidate existing credit debts. At the same time, take out a new personal loan.

Thus, consolidation occurs through the joining of installments. The new contract allows the contracted money to be deposited into your account. And you pay for the consolidation and the new contract together, in a single installment.

It is worth remembering, however, that this is a benefit of only a few consolidation companies. In other words, it is not a rule, so in some concession companies the additional amount will not exist.

Considerable payment period

Most companies that offer consolidated credit offer a good repayment period. In general it is 72 to 84 months (6 to 7 years). However, again this is a factor that varies from company to company.

Installments and fixed rates

Finally, another advantage of the way consolidated credit works are the fixed installments. That is, from the moment you hire it you know exactly how much you will pay, monthly, until the end of the contract. You will also be aware of the applicable fees.

How to take out consolidated credit?

To do this, you must first find companies that offer this type of credit. Then, analyze how the consolidated credit available there works. After all, conditions vary from company to company.

To find out about some reliable companies that offer this type of credit, be sure to click on the link below. Here on the website we already indicate several options for this type of operation.

By knowing them, you can compare conditions and find the best option for you.

Therefore, if the way consolidated credit works is a financial solution for your life, be sure to simulate conditions and analyze the main alternatives. This way, you can hire the best option!

Logotipo crédito Cetelem com ilustração digital de cofrinho de porquinho. Junho ao porquinho, três fichas coloridas com ícones minimalista de: um carro, um cartão de crédito, e um monitor ou televisão

How to apply for Cetelem Credit?

Check out how to take out Cetelem credit to balance your financial life and get your projects off the ground!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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