
Make money with Sell My Car: what is it and how does it work?

It is not always easy to sell a used car. However, with the help of platforms like Vender o Meu Carro this is no longer a problem. See how to get a free vehicle evaluation and sell it!


Sell My Car: Get an online appraisal and sell your used car for a fair price!

Logotipo Vender o Meu Carro. Confira como funciona no artigo
Check out how the Sell My Car platform works. Source: Senhor Cartão.

Find out today how Sell My Car works, a platform specialized in purchasing used vehicles directly from the owner.

Selling your used car can be important at various times. For example, when you notice that you are not actually using the car. Also, in case of moving to another country. Other common issues are buying a new car or needing extra money.

Whatever the reason you want to sell your used car, know that you can find help online and fair prices. And that's what Sell My Car promises. Below, find out how it works and what its advantages are.

Logotipo Vender o Meu Carro em tela de celular, representando que é possível fazer avaliação online

How do I get an evaluation on Sell My Car?

Check out the step-by-step guide on how to complete the evaluation on Sell My Car and sell your used car!

How does selling cars work on Sell My Car?

Carro branco, que pode ser vendido na Vender o Meu Carro como funciona
Valuing your used car is free at Sell My Car. Source: Pexels.

This is an online used car valuation platform. So, you access it and fill in data about your vehicle. Thus, it makes an assessment and indicates a value for which you could sell your car.

Then, you must go to one of the in-person service stores to have the car physically assessed. If you accept the proposed price, you leave the store with the money in your pocket and avoid the hassle of transferring documents.


Discover the main advantages of how Sell My Car works:

  • Evaluate your car online;
  • Free service;
  • Sell your car right away and leave the store with cash in hand;
  • Don't have any problems with documentation, as Vender o Meu Carro is responsible for the transfer;
  • Sell a private or company car;
  • Platform accepts cars of all brands, national or international;
  • Find a fair price for your used car;
  • Prevent your car from depreciating in value while you wait for an interested buyer to appear.


The disadvantage we found about Sell My Car is that it does not accept cars that were used as taxis. Furthermore, the value offered may vary between the online and in-person assessment if damage is found in the car in the latter.

How to sell on Sell My Car and receive money immediately?

This is very simple! Just enter the platform's website. Then, click on “Evaluate Car Now” on the home page. Then, fill out an evaluation form with your car details. After receiving the car's value assessment via email, schedule a visit to a Vender o Meu Carro store. Take it for evaluation and sale, receiving the money instantly! For more details, check out the following link.

Logotipo Vender o Meu Carro em tela de celular, representando que é possível fazer avaliação online

How do I get an evaluation on Sell My Car?

Check out the step-by-step guide on how to complete the evaluation on Sell My Car and sell your used car!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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