
Rent Protection Insurance Peace of mind: rent your properties!

Tranquilidade Rent Protection Insurance works to protect the property and its income, guaranteeing the best coverage.


Discover Rent Protection Insurance Peace of mind: the security of the tenant and the owner!

Logo seguradora Tranquilidade
So, get to know the insurance and find out if it’s worth it! Source: Tranquilidade.

If you are looking for the ideal Income Protection Insurance, know that Tranquilidade offers all the benefits you need!

Tranquilidade is an insurance company that provides different types of services for you to have a peaceful life. Thus, the offers range from home, car, life insurance and even income protection.

Seguro Proteção de Rendas

How to sign up for Tranquility Income Protection Insurance: check online!

To sign up for Tranquilidade insurance, you begin your online simulation process. Just access to ensure the protection of your property!

But, after all, what is Income Protection Insurance? This is an innovative and increasingly requested product. Basically, this is a type of insurance that protects both the tenant and the landlord in exceptional cases.

Do you want to know about the particularities of this insurance and how it works? So, keep reading for complete information!

How does Tranquilidade Income Protection Insurance work?

Propaganda dos seguros da Tranquilidade
After all, how does insurance work? Source: Tranquilidade.

Thus, Tranquilidade Rental Protection Insurance works like typical rental insurance.

In other words, you pay a monthly fee to the insurance company. On the other hand, it gives you protection in emergency cases. Like all insurance, it is a precaution!

If you are the owner of the property, you can activate the insurance to receive the rent in case the tenant is unable to pay. On the other hand, if you are the renter, you can apply for insurance coverage if you cannot pay the landlord.

However, there are some rules for insurance to be activated. Shall we meet them?


Therefore, Tranquilidade insurance only covers the rent of the address in specific situations. So, it is important to pay attention to the rules so as not to be surprised.

For example, this only happens in cases of total temporary incapacity of the tenant.

In other words, in situations where the renter is unemployed or hospitalized, for example.

This way, the tenant will have time to recover or plan their next steps. But in the meantime, the property owner can continue to receive payments.


The advantages that this income protection insurance offers go both ways. If you are the renter, you can be sure that your rent will be paid for a few months. 

On the other hand, the property owner also guarantees that he will continue to receive the money.

Furthermore, the biggest consequence is that this can avoid legal problems, saving time, headaches and money for both parties.


But, there are also some disadvantages. Like the duration of the insurance, for example. The two options available are 4 and 6 months. There is no option for a longer term.

How to sign up for Tranquilidade Income Protection Insurance?

Now, if you are interested in knowing how Tranquilidade Income Protection Insurance works, know that joining and requesting it is very easy.

Therefore, you can start the process through the insurer's website. Do you want to know more information and learn an exclusive step-by-step guide?

So, click on the link below and find out all the information you need!

Seguro Proteção de Rendas

How to sign up for Tranquility Income Protection Insurance: check online!

To sign up for Tranquilidade insurance, you begin your online simulation process. Just access to ensure the protection of your property!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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