
Get to know the Solana cryptocurrency: what is it and how much is it worth?

One of the most promising and talked about virtual currencies in the world is here. Understand more about the Solana cryptocurrency, what it is, how it works and how to invest in it.


Solana cryptocurrency: one of the fastest growing altcoins in the world

Logotipo criptomoeda Solana
Everything about the Solana virtual currency. Source: Senhor Cartão.

Solana cryptocurrency what is it? The world of cryptocurrencies arrived in response to the financial crisis in 2008. First came bitcoin, which is currently the best-known virtual currency in the world.

Then, new currencies and new revolutions in the transaction system began to emerge. Despite the fear and some reports of scams and fraud, the cryptocurrency market continued to grow and became more accepted over time.

With this growth, there was a need to improve performance, the system itself and develop innovations that meet new demands.

This is how Solana, SOL, emerged, one of the most promising virtual currencies that is talked about so much today.

To find out everything about it, what it is, how it works and whether it is worth investing in, read this complete article.

Logotipo criptomoeda Solana com palavra Solana escrita

How to buy Solana cryptocurrency?

Learn about how to buy Solana cryptocurrency, the biggest competitor to Ethereum!

What is the Solana cryptocurrency and when did it appear?

Logotipo da criptomoeda Solana, Solana e SOL escritos em tela de celular. Calculadora, lupa, óculos, papel e caneta ao redor do celular; sobre mesa azul.
Discover more about cryptocurrency. Source: Adobe Stock.

The Solana cryptocurrency, or SOL, emerged in 2017. Despite being officially launched in 2020, its creator, Anatoly Yakovenko, started work on the project at least 3 years earlier.

The idea was to promote scalability and increase the usability of the protocol within the digital universe.

So, as we know, cryptocurrencies navigate the blockchain system and use cryptography to carry out decentralized transactions, that is, without the need for intermediaries in the process.

This allowed processes to become faster and less costly. 

The blockchain, in turn, operates as a public ledger where all transactions are recorded. However, the confidentiality of the parties or identities involved is maintained.

As with all innovations, improvements are sought over time. And it was with this objective that the Solana project got off the ground.

Thus, Solana concerns the blockchain platform. It operates in open source and allows the creation of smart contracts for various purposes such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi), metaverses and many others.

Its native cryptocurrency is called SOL. Furthermore, the entire process uses technologies such as Proof of history (PoH) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to have better and safer performance, too.

Therefore, nowadays, Solana ends up becoming a competitor to Ethereum, due to its agility and scalability in processes and transactions.

Is Solana a safe cryptocurrency?

Moedas douradas em 3D digital com logotipo Solana gravado
Find out if it's worth investing in Solana. Source: Adobe Stock.

Solana is in almost every headline for the rapid way it has grown in the market since its creation. 

Because it has become a competitor to Ethereum and has allowed agility, scalability and lower transaction costs, SOL has attracted the attention of investors, whether small or large.

But, as with any digital medium, the big question concerns security. The world of cryptocurrencies still faces some regulatory issues.

Therefore, what we can say is what the network itself reveals. 

In short, since its launch, there have been no reports of failures or attacks on the network. 

Is Solana Cryptocurrency Worth Buying?

As with any cryptocurrency, the decision to buy and invest in virtual currencies must be permeated by a lot of research and knowledge of the investor profile.

In other words, if you are conservative, cryptocurrencies will not be good investments, regardless of which currency you choose.

On the other hand, if your profile is more aggressive, investing in new and growing cryptoactives can guarantee the possibility of earning in the future.

However, keep in mind that it is a market that must grow amid competition and regulatory and safety issues.

The SOL cryptocurrency appears to be an asset with potential and attractive. Therefore, it is worth buying if you closely and extensively follow the world of virtual currencies. See how to do this in detail in the following article.

Logotipo criptomoeda Solana com palavra Solana escrita

How to buy Solana cryptocurrency?

Learn about how to buy Solana cryptocurrency, the biggest competitor to Ethereum!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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