
Corretora Casa de Investimentos: see your money grow and guarantee your future

Casa de Investimentos helps you find the best alternatives for your money to grow. Discover the option and have greater profitability, in addition to the help of market experts.


Corretora Casa de Investimentos: what is it and how does it work?

logo Casa de Investimentos
Find out more about this investment brokerage. Source: Facebook Casa de Investimentos.

Casa de Investimentos brokerage takes care of your money for you. To do this, find and manage good investments, which are profitable and very beneficial.

In fact, she specializes in PPR (Retirement Savings Plan) and applies investments in the medium and long term. In this way, it works by hiring its services.

imagem de um apartamento com o logo oficial da corretora casa de investimentos

How to join Casa de Investimentos? Learn step by step

Do you want to participate in an investment fund? See how to join Casa de Investimentos and find out how it can help you make your money grow.

Therefore, when hiring the House, you make an initial deposit, with a minimum amount. From then on, it will be part of the investment fund and will be able to receive profits from it, in addition to seeing the initial value multiply.

What is Corretora Casa de Investimentos?

As stated above, the House corresponds to an investment fund. In other words, it represents consumers when investing their money.

Specializing in Retirement Savings Plans, it applies the Warren Buffet method. With this, it uses the money invested by customers in profitable actions.

Therefore, it manages the amount invested by its clients while choosing the best investments so that this money grows and generates income.

How does Casa de Investimentos work?

It works through hiring, which is online. Then, you need to make a deposit to become part of the investment fund and participate in the profits in the future.

Therefore, find out the advantages and disadvantages of this type of service!


The advantages of Casa de Investimentos are:

  • Assistance from market experts;
  • Greater profitability than other types of investments;
  • Tax and operational benefits of a PPR fund;
  • Capitalization of capital gains and dividends;
  • PPR subscription from 1 thousand Euros;
  • Scheduled deliveries with reinforcements from 100 Euros;
  • Opening a digital account;
  • Consultations, reinforcements and digital redemptions every day, 24 hours a day.


However, you must schedule an appointment in an online video call to open an account at Casa de Investimentos.

How to join Corretora Casa de Investimentos?

pessoa segurando árvore em miniatura na mão; ao lado dela estão várias moedas empilhadas
Discover how simple it is to invest in funds at Corretora Casa de Investimentos. Source: Canva.

To do this, start by accessing the Casa de Investimentos website. There, click on the “The Background” option at the top. Wait for the page to redirect.

Afterwards, read the information about the fund and click “Join”. A new page will open and, there, you must register. To do this, enter your email.

Then, read the policies and terms of operation and click on the “I have read and accept the Privacy Policy” box. Click “Continue”.

Then, you must choose a date, among those available, to schedule a video call with one of Casa de Investimento's attendants.

This is necessary to identify your identity. Click on the available days, and then on the available hours.

Click “Confirm” and fill in your name, email and phone number. Finally, wait for the scheduled service day, answer the call and follow the attendant's instructions.

Finally, you will then have to make a transfer to purchase securities, but all this will be informed by the attendant who will help you make quality investments!

Still, do you think you need more details on how to do it? Don't worry! Below, we have exclusive content with a complete step-by-step guide to help you. Access!

imagem de um apartamento com o logo oficial da corretora casa de investimentos

How to join Casa de Investimentos?

Do you want to participate in an investment fund? See how to join Casa de Investimentos and find out how it can help you make your money grow.

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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