
Sustainable Employment Commitment: what is it?

The Sustainable Employment Commitment aims to encourage companies to hire unemployed and marginalized people. Find out how the project works!


Discover what the Sustainable Employment Commitment is and how it works 

República Portuguesa XXIII Governo fundo azul
But, after all, what is the program? Source: Portuguese Republic.

The Sustainable Employment Commitment is an exceptional initiative by the Portuguese government to combat unemployment. Did this catch your attention?

Know that, in addition, the project helps groups not favored by the job market, such as people with disabilities.

Logo República Portuguesa com fundo branco

How do I request the Sustainable Employment Commitment?

Although the project exists to encourage the hiring of people marginalized in the job market, signing up can be complicated. Here's a step-by-step guide on what to do!

The compromise works on two counts. Firstly, it is giving money to hire groups of vulnerable unemployed people. Second, is to give money for Social Security contributions.

Thus, the objective is that with this financial assistance for hiring, the government stimulates the job market. And, in this way, create more permanent employment opportunities for those who need it.

Who is entitled to Sustainable Employment?

The Sustainable Employment Commitment tries to reach people who are looking for a job opportunity, is this your case? Look here!


Well, to apply for a place under the Sustainable Employment Commitment you must have been registered for more than 6 months at the Employment and Professional Training Institute. If you are over 45 years old, or under 35, the time drops to 3 months.

If you are not yet registered, you can register online. Furthermore, anyone who belongs to a marginalized group in the area of work does not need to be registered in advance.

But, after all, what vulnerable groups are these? For example, people with disabilities, victims of domestic violence, refugees, single-parent families, among others. You can consult other benefiting groups on the IEFP website. 

Furthermore, if some types of employees are hired, companies benefit from an increase in the amount paid. This encourages the hiring of neglected groups.

These categories are: young people aged 35 or under, people with disabilities and unemployed people of genders that are rarely present in the area. So, it seems like there are many opportunities, right? 


Companies benefiting from the Sustainable Employment Commitment must meet some requirements.

Among them, it must be regulated and have no outstanding salary payments. In addition to not having been convicted in a process for violating labor legislation, and being up to date with financial support from the IEFP.

If you own a company and are interested in the government's proposal, you can check all the information on the IEFP website. Furthermore, you must follow some rules when applying for the position.

How does Sustainable Employment work?

Jovem apertando mão
So, check out how the Sustainable Employment program works! Source: Pexels.

The company that is interested in the opportunity must register and register the job vacancy on the IEFP website. From that point on, the more the company looks for someone with a minority profile, the more financial advantages it has.

In return, companies that accept this project must keep the employee for at least two years. Furthermore, the project wants to encourage the creation of jobs, promoting the improvement of the quality of employment.

This is done by encouraging stable labor relations and promoting adequate wage setting. Finally, it also promotes gender equality in access and conditions in the labor market.

How to apply for Sustainable Employment?

If you are interested in the Sustainable Employment Commitment, there are different steps you should follow whether you are a worker or a company. However, they are all easily done on the IEFP website.

And don't worry, we'll help you with a step-by-step guide on how to request your support. Come check it out by clicking the link below!

Logo República Portuguesa com fundo branco

How do I request the Sustainable Employment Commitment?

Although the project exists to encourage the hiring of people marginalized in the job market, signing up can be complicated. Here's a step-by-step guide on what to do!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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