
How to apply for a job vacancy at Atacadão Continente?

Atacadão Continente presents a very simple way to register, just register on the Sonae website, the group responsible for the Continente hypermarket. Take the opportunity to see interview tips.


Atacadão Continente: job vacancies in different areas!

Funcionários Continente em frente a loja
So, check out how to work at the company! Source: Continente.

The Continente hypermarket is a large wholesale store in Portugal, but how can you apply for a vacancy at this company? The process is very simple and there are several vacancies available for you to choose from.

In other words, the company offers opportunities for different professionals! So, you can send your CV online by accessing the Continente website! Just click on the link below and go straight to the site!


Job opportunity

Atacadão Continente

vacancies positions

Work at a company with 30 years of experience and several stores across the country!

You will be redirected to another website

However, if you are interested, we have prepared an exclusive step-by-step guide to help you with your application! So, keep reading to answer all your questions!

Step by step to apply for a vacancy at Atacadão Continente

Cliente comprando no Continente
But, after all, how to apply for the vacancy? Source: Continente.

Firstly, to sign up for one of Atacadão Continente's vacancies, you must visit the hypermarket's website. Then, scroll down with your mouse to the end of the page. Then, click on the “employment” option, in the “institutional” tab.

Thus, you will be redirected to the Sonae group page to choose the different vacancies. Then, select the “continent” option in the “brands” box. Now all the hypermarket job opportunities will appear!

How to choose your vacancy at Atacadão Continente and apply?

There are several ways for you to select the position you want to apply for. You can, for example, configure by language, there is the option Portuguese, Spanish in English, at the beginning of the page.

In addition, you can search by location, region, work area and even business! This way, you can filter the specific options that interest you.

Then, you can click on the ideal option for you. You will then be redirected once again. Now, read all the information and, to proceed, click on “submit application”.

Furthermore, you must register on the website and provide your personal and professional details to complete the application. So, all you have to do is wait for the company to contact you and inform you about the progress of the process!

Discover another professional opportunity: work at the Lidl supermarket!

Did you enjoy learning about how to apply for a vacancy at Atacadão Continente? But how about continuing to read more about other job openings?

Another supermarket that offers many vacancy options in different areas is Lidl! This company is German, but has been operating in Portugal for more than 20 years and is present in more than 200 stores around the country.

Thus, you may be entitled to various benefits. Furthermore, the work environment is focused on valuing your growth within the company.

See how to sign up by clicking the link below! We have an exclusive step-by-step guide! But rest assured, the entire process is very simple and can be done online. So, just send your resume! Come find out more!

Cargos trabalhando na Lidl

How does working at the Lidl supermarket work?

Lidl is a supermarket chain that has been operating in Portugal for years, offering unique opportunities for employees. Find out what it's like to work at this company.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual from the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A very curious person, who likes to study a little bit of everything and share this learning in his texts.

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Senior Editor

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