
BPI Net Empresas: see what it is, how it works, advantages and disadvantages

BPI Net Empresas is an exclusive service for business institutions that have an account with BPI. See what it is for, how it works and how to use it in your business!


Find out everything about BPI Net Empresas and see how to make managing your business’ finances easier

Find out everything about the service here. Source: Google Play.

BPI Net Empresas is an exclusive channel for companies that have an account with BPI. With it, you can find countless information relevant to the day-to-day running of your business.

Likewise, obtain products and services in a few clicks. In fact, this service has real-time updates and remote access. Therefore, it is quite practical.

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In fact, it has become essential in times of immediate relationships and the constant need for up-to-date information. So, see everything about it in our article and take advantage of this functionality!

What is BPI Net Empresas?

BPI Net Empresas is an internet banking service for companies. There you can find complete information about all business accounts. It then allows for integrated management of them.

In addition to the information present there, which reveals the company's financial situation, BPI Net also offers several online services. It is possible to make hires, as well as request products that the bank offers to companies.

How does BPI Net Empresas work?

Imagem com o cartão sobre BPI Net Empresas
Everything you need to know about BPI Net Empresas. Source: Pexels

It works quite simply. Company managers have an access key and password. With them, they access internet banking and find tabs with services and financial information.

Just click on them to find data. Or, to see what services are available, conditions and other relevant information.

BPI Net Empresas Services

There are several services and products available within BPI's internet banking for companies. Check out the main ones:

  • Activation of business and corporate credit cards;
  • BPI Confirming (Supplier payment management service. Creates the possibility of negotiating better conditions and values);
  • Inquiries (balances and transactions on accounts and business credit cards);
  • Download personalized statements;
  • Digital documents;
  • Factoring (management and collection of invoices with possibilities for advances, risk coverage, etc.);
  • Payment of wages with the sending of files that facilitate the management of these expenses;
  • Payment of fees, taxes and other amounts to public bodies;
  • Transfers, charges and miscellaneous payments.

Therefore, there are several services and information that are present within BPI Net Empresas.

Who can use BPI internet banking?

BPI Net Empresas is exclusive to BPI customers who set up as companies. In other words, individuals who have accounts with BPI have another specific application.

Discover the advantages of BPI Net Empresas

Check out the main advantages of the internet banking application for companies offered by BPI!

Autonomy and real-time information

Firstly, BPI Net Empresas offers autonomy and convenience to companies. After all, in a few clicks it is possible to gather information about different accounts that the company has in its name. Thus, financial management becomes more robust.

Furthermore, company managers have greater freedom to hire services and products whenever they want, without the need to travel.

Free app

Companies do not need to spend anything to access BPI Net Empresas. It is a service that naturally accompanies the accounts and cards that the banking institution offers;


BPI uses cutting-edge technology to guarantee the protection of data present in its internet banking. To access it, in fact, you need to have an access key on hand, as well as a personal coordinate card.

Customize the application

Another advantage of internet banking for BPI companies is that it allows personalization. In this case, we are talking about granting or not granting authorization for the user to have access to certain information.

In this way, it is possible to replicate the company's hierarchical structure, within the app, with the determination of different user profiles.

Increase your company's productivity

Another highlight of BPI Net Empresas is that it allows your company to have greater productivity. Especially in sectors that depend on financial information to operate.

After all, with this app your company eliminates the need for phone calls to obtain bank details. Also, you have all the necessary information in just a few clicks.

This saves a lot of time. Likewise, you always have the data in your hands so that decisions can be made assertively.

How to use BPI Net Empresas? See step by step

Uma mão segurando um cartão de crédito e a outra utilizando um notebook sobre mesa de escritório com vaso de planta e caderno. Simbolizando a escolha de cartão
Find out how to benefit from BPI Net Empresas. Source: Canva.

It is very simple to use BPI's corporate internet banking. To do this, just go to his website. Afterwards, enter your login name and secret code and click on “Access”.

If you don't have an access code yet or it's inactive, don't worry. BPI offers 24-hour service for quick and effective solutions.

To do this, simply call +351 21 720 77 49. Or, go to a BPI branch.

Find out more about BPI’s solutions for individuals and companies

BPI Net Empresas is just one of the solutions and services that the bank offers. It is quite comprehensive, so its products tend to cover different situations and financial needs of customers.

Banco BPI offers accounts for all financial profiles. It also has credit and debit cards, as well as different types of credit. Therefore, it is likely that when looking for financial solutions you will find them at BPI.

To learn more about this bank and its operations, click on the link below. So, find out more about the services it offers and which financial solutions can be excellent for balancing your finances and making them pay off!

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About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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