
10 advantages of Unibanco cards

Did you know that Unibanco cards are international? In addition, learn about the main advantages of these financial products here and find out what to expect when purchasing the institution's products!


Discover the advantages of Unibanco cards and find out why they can be great financial options

Uma pessoa entregando um cartão de crédito para outra, simbolizando as vantagens dos cartões unibanco
Check out the main advantages of Unibanco cards and find out what to expect from the financial institution's products. Source: Unsplash.

There are several advantages to Unibanco cards. Therefore, they are gaining more and more customers who can take advantage, on a daily basis, of the various benefits that come with these financial products.

So, find out today what are the main benefits that these financial products offer and see if they are worth it for you, your money and investments!

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The Unibanco Clássico credit card has no annual fee for cardholders, has international coverage and many benefits! See how to request!

This is because, although Unibanco cards are diverse, they share several of these benefits.

Therefore, it is possible to find them in several of them, which makes the products even more interesting when looking for a financial solution.

What are the main advantages of Unibanco cards? Find out right now

Discover, below, the 10 main benefits you will find when taking out one of Unibanco's credit cards. So, know right away what to expect and how they can help you in your everyday life.

Visa Flag

The first advantage of Unibanco cards is the presence of the Visa brand. This, not by chance, is the most comprehensive banner in the world, with millions of linked establishments.

Therefore, when using the institution's cards you can make online and in-person purchases at millions of locations. Also, you can count on full assistance from the brand in any mishap, as well as security when using your card.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that customers with Visa-branded cards also have access to the brand's own benefits. For example, discounts and promotions and accumulation of points.

International cards

Another advantage of all Unibanco cards is that they are international and you can use them all over the world. Whether for international travel, in-person purchases, or online payments on websites anywhere on the planet.

So, have even more convenience and count on a quality and very comprehensive card in your portfolio of possibilities!

Annual fee exemption

If your intention is to avoid card maintenance fees, know that Unibanco cards are perfect for you! After all, they waive these fees, so there is no annual fee.

In fact, the only payment fees are those if the invoice is paid in installments. Or, late payment of the invoice, when late payment interest is imposed.

Contactless payment

Contacless technology is quite interesting and can save you time. In fact, it is present on Unibanco cards as an advantage. That is, it is possible to make purchases by contacting these products.

These purchases are made by bringing the card closer to the billing machine. Or, using smart bracelets such as smartwatches and cell phones.

Therefore, you can use contactless payment in several ways. All of them are safe. There is also the possibility of imposing a limit on contactless payments without using a password.

Application to track financial movements

If your reservation is protecting your finances, forget about it! After all, another of the advantages of Unibanco cards is that you can track your money via a cell phone app.

With this, know when financial transactions took place, the amounts and locations. Likewise, what is the available limit and carry out online transactions in a few clicks.

Therefore, the app is interesting both for providing security, control and information.

Pessoa passando um cartão de crédito bandeira Visa numa maquininha de pagamento, simbolizando as vantagens dos cartões unibanco
The Visa brand and its benefits are among the advantages of Unibanco cards. See more! Source: Unsplash.

Discounts at Unibanco partners

Savings are one of the most interesting advantages of Unibanco cards. It is presented both by the absence of an annual fee and by the possibility of making purchases with discounts.

Unibanco has a series of partners. In them, it is possible to find special payment conditions. So, save money without losing access to your favorite services and products!


When you obtain one of the Unibanco cards you have the advantage of accessing protection insurance against theft, loss or misplacement of the card free of charge. It is available for all company credit cards.

This once again reinforces the security of using your credit card. If any of these misfortunes occur, guarantee your protection without having to spend money to do so.


The eighth of the Unibanco card advantages we have listed is access to Unistore. There you will find several incredible promotions for online purchases exclusive to your Unibanco credit card.

For customers of any bank

Unibanco cards are available to customers of any bank. In other words, you do not need to change your account to the financial institution to have access to credit cards.

This way, you maintain your independence and manage your finances freely. To do this, simply indicate the IBAN of your bank account. Thus, the card will be associated with her regardless of which institution she belongs to.

With cashback for the first year of membership

Finally, the last advantage of Unibanco cards – but far from being the least important – is that in the first year of your contract with the card you are guaranteed to receive cashback. 

That is, spend with the card and receive part of those expenses back as a bonus. In other words, once again savings are the hallmark of Unibanco cards!

Do you want to know more about Unibanco cards?

Did you like the advantages of Unibanco cards? So be sure to get to know each of them in detail. Click on the link below and check out a comparison between two Unibanco cards.

After all, the 10 advantages above are just the main ones and common to all, with each card having its own benefits!

cartão Unibanco Life ou Unibanco Atitude

Unibanco Life or Unibanco Atitude card: which is best?

Unibanco Life or Unibanco Atitude Card? Both have international coverage and zero annual fees, in addition to exclusive advantages. Compare here!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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