
Portuguese Junior Movement: guarantee professional development for you!

The Portuguese Junior Movement is an important service aimed at Portuguese university students who want to undertake and learn more about this universe. So, keep reading and find out everything about him!


Find out what the Junior Movement in Portugal is for young entrepreneurs!

Find out everything about the Portuguese Junior Movement for university students! Source: Facebook JE Portugal.

Anyone who dreams of starting a business can find in Movimento Júnior Português the support they need to take their first steps and get to know the market.

After all, it regulates and provides assistance to non-profit organizations led by university students. So find out more about the subject here!

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This movement is not new, as it has existed for more than 3 decades in Portugal. However, in 2012 it began to have a regulatory body, so its development has been latent since then.

What is the Portuguese Junior Movement?

The Portuguese Junior Movement is inspired by the first Junior Movement, which was born in France in the 1960s. More specifically in Paris, in 1967. In Portuguese lands, then, the movement arrived in 1990.

This happened with the founding of the first junior company in Portuguese territory. In short, this company format is university-based and managed by university students, who provide services to companies and individuals and begin to have their first contacts with the market.

Then, in 2012, JE Portugal emerged, which corresponds to Junior Enterprises Portugal, which acts as a federation that provides assistance to junior company units and regulates them.

Therefore, when we talk about the Junior Movement we are talking about the support given to university companies.

How does the Junior Movement work in Portugal?

Grupos de cinco jovens, de roupa social, animados e fazendo gestos de comemoração. Simbolizando o Movimento Júnior português
The Junior Movement is an excellent initiative for the professional development of university students. Source: Canva.

Firstly, the Junior Movement refers to the organization of standards and requirements for the operation of a Junior Company.

This, in turn, is nothing more than a non-profit organization. It must necessarily be managed by university students.

In fact, this management is theirs alone. In this way, junior companies provide services to companies and institutions, as well as individuals.

With this, they promote teaching in practice, in order to put students in contact with the market.

Thus, they develop professional experience, as well as learn to deal, on a daily basis, with negotiations, administration and various other issues.

And the Portuguese Junior Movement works to encourage the development of these companies. Therefore, its mission is to promote the expansion of university companies, as well as the creation of new units.

It also represents these companies before student company movements in Europe and the world.

What are the benefits of the Junior Movement in Portugal?

In general, the Portuguese Junior Movement works to complement the education of university students working in junior companies. Thus, it assists in the development of projects, as well as promoting them.

The Movement represents Junior Companies in an institutional manner before stakeholders. Furthermore, it encourages ventures and helps develop the necessary capabilities to make them truly possible.

Another interesting point about the Portuguese Junior Movement is that it promotes events that are essential for university students.

In fact, it is possible not only to gain even more knowledge in lectures, but also to exchange experiences and promote networking.

The Movement, therefore, is dedicated to supporting and promoting the development of these non-profit university companies.

In this sense, it seeks to prepare university students for their future entry into the job market, offering knowledge and experiences.

Discover the companies that are part of the Junior Movement in Portugal

Grupo de jovens de roupa social, dando as mãos num gesto de incentivo em grupo, simbolizando o Movimento Júnior português
Find out more about the Portuguese Junior Movement. Source: Canva.

The Portuguese Junior Movement always focuses on university companies. He is the one who determines which projects can become companies, as well as the rules of operation. Therefore, knowing it is essential for anyone who dreams of entering this type of organization.

Furthermore, the Movement stands out for providing all the support that these non-profit companies demand. With this, it prepares university students to enter the job market with experiences and knowledge obtained in the management of the Junior Company.

Currently, the Portuguese Junior Movement represents 22 Junior Companies that belong to 15 different universities. Thus, in total there are 1028 university students who are represented by him. They present 242 projects annually.

Junior Companies – all managed by university students and linked to higher education institutions – are divided into several groups. They differ in terms of area of activity. Check out what they are:

  • Consultancy;
  • Marketing Consulting;
  • Sports and Nutritional Consulting;
  • Consulting and Technological Development;
  • Event organization.

Find out which companies are covered in the items below!

Junior Consulting Companies

See which companies make up the first group represented by the Portuguese Junior Movement:

  • Aveiro Smart Business;
  • Católica Studentes Consulting;
  • FEP Junior Consulting;
  • ISCAC Junior Solutions;
  • ISCTE Junior Consulting;
  • ISEG Junior Business Consulting;
  • Nova Junior Consulting;
  • UTAD Solutions Consulting;
  • Young Minho Enterprise.

Junior Marketing Consulting Companies

In Marketing Consulting there is a single representative, which is illustrated by the IPAM Base.

Junior Sports and Nutritional Consulting Companies

As in the previous case, with regard to sports and nutritional consultancy, the Portuguese Junior Movement also has just one representative. It is SUNIporto.

Junior Technological Development Companies

Then check out the representatives of Portuguese junior companies in the area of technological development:

  • EPIC Junior;
  • jeKnowledge;
  • JuniFEUP;
  • STAR Junior Enterprise.

Event organization

Finally, check out the companies that are part of the Portuguese Junior Movement in the event organization niche:

  • Iuris FDUP Junior;
  • LisbonPH;
  • SUNIporto.

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About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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