
Hiring CrediSolutions is quick and easy: check out how to do it!

Hiring CrediSolutions is simple, quick and helps you find the best loan options on the market. Find out more about the company and find out how!


Learn how to hire CrediSolutions

logo CrediSolutions em fundo branco
Find out how to hire the company. Source: CrediSolutions.

Hiring CrediSolutions is an excellent idea for anyone who needs a loan. After all, with it you guarantee free assistance to have loan options according to your needs and financial condition.

Thus, the company is able to find the best personal, housing, consolidated credit or even a credit card for you. So, if you are interested, continue reading to be directed to the institution's page.


Credit Intermediary


Practicality Ease

Get assistance and find the best consolidated, housing or personal credit card or line for you!

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In fact, counting on CrediSolutions is a smart way to bring security to your credit operation. In fact, the simulation is online and you can get a response to your request within 48 hours!

So, below follow a complete step-by-step guide on how to contact CrediSolutions to get a simulation. You won't even need to leave the house for this.

Step by step to request assistance and hire CrediSolutions

See the three main ways to hire the company that acts as an intermediary between you and the bank to obtain credit. It is possible to request and hire online or request an initial contact.

Do online simulation

You can do an online simulation before hiring CrediSolutions to find out what your general conditions are.

To do this, click on “Simulator” in the menu on the home page. Then, choose the type of credit, the required amount, desired term and fill in other information requested there.

Finally, forward and check the result of the simulation. It should be noted that it is just a general overview and does not guarantee that the conditions present there will be confirmed.

Hire online

To contract online, go to the CrediSolutions website and click on the “Credit Request” option, which is in red at the top of the screen, on the right.

Afterwards, fill out the form with personal data. For example, these include name, nickname, date of birth, marital status, email and telephone contact.

Click “Next”, read the instructions, follow them and submit the credit request. Finally, wait for contact and also forward the documents necessary for analysis.

Request contact

Another way to request a loan and hire CrediSolutions to obtain more information about granting credit is through the company's page.

Access it and, in the menu at the top right of the screen, click on “Contacts”. Then, enter your personal and contact details and provide a brief summary of what you are looking for.

Then, forward the request and wait for contact from one of the company's representatives.

Also discover ComparaJá: simulator for you to find credit services!

Logotipo ComparaJá
Find out how ComparaJá can help you make accurate decisions that respect your pocket. Source: ComparaJá.

Finally, if you want to learn about other credit comparison services, you might be surprised by ComparaJá. And did you know that with it you can also find telecommunications and energy services?

So, click on the link below and find out everything about this option!

Logotipo ComparaJá com ícones representando os serviços. Com um símbolo de porcentagem, ícones de: casa, mão segurando saco de dinheiro, cartões de crédito e carro. Além de ícones de monitor de computador com telefone ao lado, e chama de fogo com raio ao lado.

How to use the Comparajá Simulator services?

The Comparajá simulator is an excellent alternative and intermediary for finding financial, telecommunications or energy services. Keep reading and see how to use it!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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