
Comparajá: compare services and products for free and without leaving home

Comparajá is an online platform that helps you compare the conditions of different financial, energy and telecommunications services and products. So, get to know it and see how to use it!


Comparejá: see how it helps you make the best decisions

Logotipo ComparaJá
After all, how can ComparaJá help you make accurate decisions that respect your pocket? Source: ComparaJá.

In short, Comparajá specializes in comparing offers on financial, energy and telecommunications products.

Thus, it gathers important information that helps you make the best decisions when choosing offers and companies.

Logotipo ComparaJá com ícones representando os serviços. Com um símbolo de porcentagem, ícones de: casa, mão segurando saco de dinheiro, cartões de crédito e carro. Além de ícones de monitor de computador com telefone ao lado, e chama de fogo com raio ao lado.

How to use the Comparajá simulator services?

Find out how to use the Comparajá simulator services without complications, for free and without leaving home!

Interest rateVariable according to products and services, as well as institutions
Payment deadlineVariable according to products and services, as well as institutions                            
Approval            Online
Benefits Compare products from different companies; free online platform; without hiring commitment.

In short, the company, which emerged in 2015, has already helped thousands of people find good deals. Furthermore, it is recognized by Banco de Portugal, being certified by it as a credit intermediary.

How does Comparajá work?

Dardo bem no centro do alvo, simbolizando o ComparaJá
Find out more about how Comparajá works. Source: Pixabay.

Comparajá is a credit intermediary. Therefore, it does not provide financial services and products per se. What it does is gather information about offers from different companies and compare them.

This way, it helps you find the best alternative. The service focuses on three main fronts:

  • Financial products (personal, housing or consolidated credit and credit cards);
  • Television and internet products (telecommunications);
  • Electricity and gas products.

So, whenever you need to hire any of these types of products and services, you can count on Comparajá. It compares, in a few minutes, the available alternatives.

Doing so makes your task of deciding on a company easier. By comparing the information, it clarifies, for example, what the rates are for each product.

Furthermore, if there is an availability commission, the entity that offers that product and the minimum requirements for each one.

Note, then, that you immediately know whether you meet the requirements for each of the offers. Likewise, what to expect from them.


See the main advantages that Comparajá offers:

  • Comparison of products and services from different credit and telecommunications companies;
  • Online service;
  • Free and without obligation;
  • Quick answer;
  • Assistance from Comparajá employees so you can purchase their offers.


The only disadvantage we found is the fact that Comparajá does not offer services, but only compares them. However, it helps you search for options and breaks down your information, making your life easier.

How to use Comparajá services?

This is very easy! Just access the Comparajá website. Then click on the option you want. That is, personal, housing or consolidated credit. Or, credit card or telecommunications products, energy or gas. 

Finally, fill in the required information and see the available offers. Then, click on “Continue” next to the one you are interested in and wait for the redirection to the page of the company that has the offer.

And, if you need more detailed content on how to take advantage of the simulator, see the text below! This way, you can see the advantages of the service.

Logotipo ComparaJá com ícones representando os serviços. Com um símbolo de porcentagem, ícones de: casa, mão segurando saco de dinheiro, cartões de crédito e carro. Além de ícones de monitor de computador com telefone ao lado, e chama de fogo com raio ao lado.

How to use the Comparajá Simulator services?

Find out how to use the Comparajá simulator services without complications, for free and without leaving home!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

Reviewed by  / 

Senior Editor

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