
Discover the BBVA Classic credit card

Get to know the BBVA Classic Além credit card and its advantages now. Simple, it can be a great option for everyday shopping!


BBVA Classic credit card: access the points and discounts program!

cartão de crédito Depois BBVA Classic
Everything you need to know about the card. Source: BBVA.

The BBVA Classic credit card is, as the name suggests, classic. So, understand today in more detail what its advantages and disadvantages are and how to apply for it!

For example, this is a Visa International card. Therefore, it allows purchases all over the world. Furthermore, it brings classic benefits, such as contactless technology.

Banco BBVA

How do I request and activate the BBVA Classic After card?

Discover how to order and activate the BBVA Classic After credit card in just a few steps, without leaving home. And thus, guarantee several advantages!

At the same time, it offers insurance and protection, as well as a points program. Incredible, right? And, to find out more about this card, keep reading. Below you will find everything about it and, therefore, understand whether or not it is perfect for you.

Do you accept denial?Uninformed
Splitting of invoices over 50 Euros;
Secure Pay service;
Travel insurance and ATM theft;
24-hour assistance and coverage;
BBVA+ club for discounts, prizes and cashback.

How does the BBVA Classic After card work?

Duas mulheres sentadas conversando sorrindo, uma delas com notebook no colo e segurando celular
After all, how does the card work and what are the advantages? Source: Pexels.

This is a classic card. Thus, it is related to a digital account at BBVA bank, a financial institution that also manages the credit card.

The card has a Visa International brand. As a result, it has a wide reach for both travel purchases and transactions on international websites. In this way, it offers freedom and convenience.

Want to know more? So check out the following items about the benefits and disadvantages of the BBVA Classic After credit card and see if it fits into your life and what you're looking for!


Firstly, let's start with the advantages of the BBVA Classic credit card. Are they:

  • International Visa Flag;
  • Online membership;
  • Contactless technology; 
  • Splitting of invoices over 50 Euros; 
  • Secure Pay service; 
  • Travel insurance and ATM theft;
  •  24-hour assistance and coverage; 
  • BBVA+ club for discounts, prizes and cashback.


Now, on the other hand, the time has also come to know the negative or not-so-cool points about the BBVA Classic After credit card. Firstly, the fact that it charges an annual fee (maintenance fees) stands out.

However, the bank waives these fees if the customer spends the amount corresponding to €3,500 in 12 months. Note, however, that there is this commitment, then.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to clarify that the BBVA Classic card does not accept customers who do not reside in Portugal. Therefore, it is essential that the customer who wants this card has proof of Portuguese residence.

Finally, only customers with a BBVA current account can apply for this card. But those who don't have an account can open one without any problems.

How to have the BBVA Classic credit card?

It is possible to request the card via the BBVA bank website or application. Furthermore, you need to open an account with the financial institution, is that ok? So, find out how to do all this in the step-by-step article below.

Banco BBVA

How do I request and activate the BBVA Classic After card?

Discover how to order and activate the BBVA Classic After credit card in just a few steps, without leaving home. And thus, guarantee several advantages!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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