
Choose your ideal consolidated credit: We help!

Choosing your consolidated credit must be careful so that it really is a solution and not a financial problem. See tips and learn how to choose safely!


We have prepared everything so that you can find the information you need to choose the ideal consolidated credit for your finances. Let's start!

Select a consolidated credit

Cofidis consolidated credit
eLoan Consolidated Credit
Montepio Consolidated Credit
Cetelem Consolidated Credit
Unibanco Consolidated Credit

Choose based on your credit score

Um cofre de porquinho e, ao fundo, um alvo com um dardo bem no centro. Simbolizando a boa escolha do seu crédito consolidado
We have separated tips for you to choose your consolidated credit safely! Source: Pexels.

In need of extra money? So choose your consolidated credit with the tips we brought for you. So, get your finances in order.

There are several factors that require attention when making this choice. After all, we are talking about your finances and the contracting of a financial obligation.

Logotipo crédito consolidado Montepio com fundo branco

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Knowing the best instantly approved credit options is very important, especially when you need extra money quickly. Discover some with responses within 48 hours!

Therefore, it is ideal for credit to require the lowest possible rates. At the same time, it offers guarantees and, if possible, additional benefits.

Want to know more? So keep reading and see how to choose your consolidated credit in the best way possible!

What is a credit score?

Firstly, know that choosing your consolidated credit must be based on your credit score. But how so? Well, we'll explain it to you.

The score is like a payer certification. That is, whether you are a good payer or not. And this establishes the risk that the institution assumes when offering credit.

The greater the risks, the higher the interest rates. And the opposite is also true, because with a better profile you will also find lower rates.

In other words, having a good profile is ideal for getting good offers. But what defines it? Well, there are several questions.

Logotipo crédito Cetelem com ilustração digital de cofrinho de porquinho. Junho ao porquinho, três fichas coloridas com ícones minimalista de: um carro, um cartão de crédito, e um monitor ou televisão

How to request Cetelem credit?

Check out how to take out Cetelem credit to balance your financial life and get your projects off the ground!

Firstly, the score to make a good choice for your consolidated credit takes into account your own history as a consumer.

Thus, it analyzes how you relate to your debts and whether you pay them on time or not. So there is an x-ray on your behavior.

Yet another important factor that determines your score is your profile. Here, then, there is a generalization based on the histories of other consumers.

For example, data such as age group, gender, marital status and place of residence are taken into account. 

If the average default rate for a certain profile is high, it harms other people who share the profile, even if they are good payers. 

Different credit scores

There are different credit scores. They range between 0 and 1,000, with 1,000 being the best possible profile. The closer to 0, in turn, the worse the score and profile.

It is possible, in fact, to move from one score to another as your profile improves or worsens. Therefore, it is important to always try to pay everything on time to earn more points.

What to consider when choosing consolidated credit?

imagem com um teclado, café e carteira sobre a mesa para iniciar um assunto sobre crédito consolidado
Check out our tips below. Source: Pexels.

In addition to the credit score, there are other aspects that are important and that influence the choice. After all, you need to guarantee your safety and the best conditions, right?!

Discover some of the main considerations in the items below. Therefore, ensure a good hire.

Financial institution

Firstly, it is essential to ensure that the financial institution offering the credit is of quality. It must be authorized by Banco de Portugal.

Also, research more about her. To do this, seek opinions about your services from clients and former clients. A quick search on Google and social media can reveal a lot about this.

This way, you ensure that you are putting your finances in the hands of a serious company and avoid scams.

Choose your consolidated credit according to your financial conditions

Additionally, you also need to do some self-analysis. After all, you need to know how much you can spend per month with the consolidated credit installment.

Therefore, study your budget with fixed and variable earnings and expenses and find out what the ideal conditions are for you.

Find out which credits you want to consolidate

Another point that cannot be overlooked when choosing your consolidated credit are the credits that will be consolidated. Add them up, find out how much you spend on them now and then compare them with the available offers.

Different offers

Furthermore, to make a good choice of consolidated credit, it is essential to have more than one offer on hand. So you can compare offers and interest rates and fees.

In other words, don't make a choice in the dark. Likewise, he does not accept the first offer without knowing whether or not it matches market values.

Therefore, do not let yourself be carried away by financial despair. Choose your consolidated credit safely by reflecting on these points.

Importance of choosing consolidated credit based on your credit score

Um homem com roupa social assinando um documento que está sobre uma mesa com notebook e outras folhas de papel. Simbolizando a escolha do seu crédito consolidado
Learn more about how to choose your consolidated credit. Source: Canva.

In addition to the points we highlighted above, the credit score is inseparable from the choice of your consolidated credit.

But why is it so important? Because it determines what you can or cannot hire, as well as the offers available.

Furthermore, when looking for credits that have nothing to do with your profile, you end up damaging your score even more. This occurs because a distrust of the market arises.

It is based on the attempt to obtain different credits, in a short space of time, at different institutions.

Furthermore, by knowing your credit score you can search for institutions that have better offers for your profile.

Therefore, this helps you improve your image while saving your time in hiring.

How to find the best consolidated credit for you?

To do this, it is essential to analyze all the points indicated above. Also, carry out simulations and compare offers, always taking care of your safety.

Furthermore, count on our portal to always have access to the best offers and companies to choose your consolidated credit.

With this, you gather complete information to hire good alternatives and regain your financial health. 

Furthermore, you will find various data that help you learn more about finances and direct yours in the best possible way. So, count on us and choose your consolidated credit wisely!

For example, see below a complete step-by-step guide to applying for Unibanco credit. Who knows, maybe it’s the ideal solution for what you need at the moment?

Tela de celular com crédito Unibanco

How to apply for Unibanco Credit?

Check out how to take out Unibanco credit to consolidate your debts and make the most of your money!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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Senior Editor

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