
Instant credit: understand how it works and requirements to get it

In need of money right now? Getting credit instantly is possible, but it requires care. Discover how it works and how to win it in up to two days with special conditions!


Find out how to get credit instantly and be approved within 48 hours!

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Learn more about credit instantly. Source: Pexels.

Anyone who needs credit right away should know where to look and what to expect during applications. To make your life easier, today's article explains everything about the subject!

Homem segurando carteira, em frente a um notebook. Simbolizando como fazer crédito de alto valor

Get high-value credit: see how to make a request

Need tips on how to get high-value credit? So know that you are in the right place! Check out how to earn the money you need for your dreams, whether it's a house, new vehicle or trip!

So, continue reading to find out more about your concession. See how it works, requirements and also some options available on the market.

How do instant credit options work?

Instant credit is credit granted within periods that vary between 24 and 48 hours. In this case, we refer to approval.

After approval, banks usually release the money within 24 hours. However, they only count after signing the contract and presenting the required documentation.

Therefore, be aware that there is no immediate credit granted in a matter of hours. This is mainly due to the analysis of the request and the bank's protection against the risks of default.

What are the requirements to get credit instantly?

Before the bank grants credit, it needs to analyze several issues. After all, there are requirements for a consumer to be able to obtain money. Check out the main ones in the items below.

Credit analysis

Your financial performance is analyzed before credit is granted. Payments on time, late payments and credit scores are extremely important.

They help the bank to draw up a consumer profile, which measures the risk of default. Therefore, before requesting it, it is important to have excellent performance in the market.

Paying everything on time and avoiding entries on Portugal's black list are some of the precautions. The other items that make up the profile refer to statistics relating to age group, marital status, etc.

Residence in Portugal

Credits – whether personal, housing or consolidated – offered in Portugal are exclusive to residents of the country. Therefore, it is necessary to have proof of residence.

Proof of income

To obtain any type of credit in Portugal you need to prove income. This is a requirement that is due to the need to reduce the bank's risk of defaulting.

In fact, this is also important so that interest rates are as low as possible. After all, the greater the risk of default, the higher the rates will be.

Therefore, it is very important that you have documents that prove your income when applying for credit. Don't forget them!

Clean name

Finally, know that it will be impossible to obtain credit instantly if you are on the Banco de Portugal blacklist. It is updated monthly with debtors.

It includes people who have debts, that is, outstanding installments. Therefore, if your bills are late, negotiate them before requesting it!

Otherwise, it will be denied. So, know your condition before making the request. 

Discover 4 instant credit options

homem de terno e gravata falando ao celular
Discover credit options instantly. Source: Pexels.

Now that you've resolved the main doubts you had about the subject and managed to assimilate a base of it, find out below 4 personal credit options that are approved online and instantly!

CrediJet Personal Credit

The first credit option we selected at the time belongs to CrediJet. With an online request and response within 48 hours, it allows the contracting of up to 75 thousand Euros.

The payment term varies between 1 year and 10 years. Interest rates are variable, with the annual ceiling being 15.6%. However, contract opening fees are charged here.

Hiring takes place via the CrediJet website. However, just access it, do a simulation and forward the request if you like it.

logotipo crédito CrediJet

How to request CrediJet © Credit?

Check out the step-by-step guide to request your CrediJet © Credit without any difficulties!

Credibom Personal Credit

Anyone looking for credit on the spot can benefit from the alternative proposed by Credibom. Belonging to the Credit Agricole group, it has a series of financial products.

One of them is personal credit. It works with TAN from 3,99% to 8,70% and variable APR between 6,99% and 10,95%.

As for the payment term, it can be from 24 to 84 months. That is, from 2 to 7 years. However, the amounts available for contracting can be up to 75 thousand Euros.

The response to the online request occurs within 24 hours. The deposit, in turn, takes place within 48 hours after approval and signing of the contract.

Among the facilities that the customer finds here is the flexibility to choose the payment date for the installments. Also, the absence of a contract opening commission.

Logotipo crédito Credibom fundo branco

How to apply for Credibom personal credit?

Learn today how to take out Credibom credit without leaving home if you receive a response to your request within 24 hours!

Instacrédito Personal Credit

The third option we selected for those looking for credit on the spot is the Instacrédito loan. With up to 84 months for payment, it is approved in 48 hours.

The institution does not disclose the applicable interest rates. To find out about them, then, do an online simulation.

Furthermore, at Instacrédito you will find free assistance to make the best financial choices. Therefore, here you deal with someone who understands the subject.

Finally, to find credit options here, just access the Instacrédito website. Then, do a simulation and come across the offers selected on the page.

Ilustração de uma grande mão entregando dinheiro a um homem, mulher sobre cofre de porquinho rodeada de moedas, e homem carregando uma grande moeda. Essas interações simbolizando o crédito Instacrédito

How to apply for Instacrédito Personal Credit?

See step by step how to request and use Instacrédito Credit. So, make good choices when seeking personal credit.

Santander Personal Credit

Last but not least interesting, there is credit at the time from Santander. With approval in up to 48 hours, it offers payment terms of 24 to 84 months.

Furthermore, it works with variable rates. The TAN starts at 7.50%, while the minimum APR is 13.1%.

According to the banking institution, the money is deposited within a few minutes after the request is approved. In fact, it and the simulation are free and online.

Santander instant credit allows the customer to request between 1,500 and 75,000 Euros. Furthermore, it does not require commitment to using the value, which is free.

Finally, the request can occur both on the Santander website and on the Santander app. Also, via the telephone call center. See below how to request!

Logotipo Santander, o banco que oferece crédito pessoal Santander

How to apply for Santander personal credit?

Check out all the options for taking out Santander credit and, with that, see how to get extra money!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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