
Bitcoin and gold: is it the same or is it worth more?

Here we compare two types of stores of value: bitcoin or gold. Discover and see which one makes the most sense within your portfolio. Spoiler alert, these heritages are not the same!


Is Bitcoin a store of value equal to or more valuable than gold? Know more!

imagem de fundo escuro com criptomoeda bitcoin, ethereum e mais
Learn a little more about bitcoin. Source: Pexels.

Bitcoin is being called “digital gold”, so there is doubt as to whether bitcoin is the same as gold. Despite some similarities, the differences stand out when we compare the assets.

On the one hand, we have a relatively new currency, which is being increasingly accepted on the world market, despite being extremely volatile and still at the mercy of the global socio-political and economic scenario.

On the other hand, we have the historic gold, known for a long time not only as an investment and store of value, but also as a raw material and payment method.

But as a payment method, gold ended up being left behind.

And then Bitcoin enters. The world has changed, becoming more digital and agile every day, and requiring immediate responses at low costs. We cannot deny that cryptocurrencies have managed to provide these answers.

However, are they – and here we are talking particularly about Bitcoin – more valuable than the famous and ancient gold? Understand everything about this subject below.

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Why is bitcoin a store of value?

Firstly, let us know: a store of value is a way of protecting assets or capital. So, having a reserve means that your investments and purchasing power are preserved even if there is economic devaluation in the market.

Gold, for example, is a type of store of value: it is scarce, so in the long term the tendency is for it to appreciate. And, when we think about scarcity and abundance, we refer to one of the basic principles of the capitalist system: the law of supply and demand. 

Understand a little more about the subject

And how does this store of value and gold context relate to bitcoin? Well, when this currency emerged, the idea was to bring an alternative to the traditional currency available on the market, as it is related to costly, slow, inflation and crisis processes, depending on the scenario.

In turn, cryptocurrencies that have a limit on the number of units to be mined, such as bitcoin, are free from the risk that money as we know it has. Even so, cryptocurrencies are read as risky assets.

This is because they are also not oblivious to global events taking place in the socio-political and economic scenario. Lately, for example, geopolitical tensions in Russia and Ukraine have affected the digital market, as well as others.

However, the impact of these events on the digital currency market is definitely smaller. After all, cryptocurrencies recover faster than traditional assets.

Thus, many analysts actually consider bitcoin as a store of value, and begin to consider that bitcoin is equal to gold. However, there are still some experts who prefer not to use the term, as crypto assets are not immune to the global macro scenario and are increasingly resembling investments in traditional markets.

What value can bitcoin reach?

imagem de fundo escuro com criptomoeda bitcoin, ethereum e mais moedas digitais
Bitcoin could be worth US$ 1.3 million. Source: Pexels.

Some reports indicate that the currency could reach a record of over US$ 81 thousand this year. Even though it is a prediction, the cryptoactive has already demonstrated that it is capable of making stratospheric leaps in the short and medium term.

Furthermore, as mentioned, there is a limit number of bitcoins to be mined on the market, which increases the chances of appreciation. And this is one of the main reasons why some analysts see this crypto asset as “digital gold”.

The maximum supply is 21 million coins, and according to research, bitcoin could reach a value of US$ 1.3 million, which would make it a more attractive store of value than gold.

Which is worth more: bitcoin or gold?

In reality, the answer to this question is not direct or objective. This is because there are several factors that must be considered when evaluating each asset.

For example, the profile and purpose of each investor must be taken into account. For some, gold will be more valuable, while for others, bitcoin will be the better option.

With regards to gold, there is no doubt that it is a valuable store of value. There is enough data to prove this, and it is not today that we know how investment works.

On the other hand, the world has changed. And cryptocurrencies have shown that they are here to stay. Bitcoins are already more than just investments. They have become payment methods, too.

So, they offer convenience as well as being equally valuable. However, it is important to be aware of the volatility of the digital market, as well as the general risks involved in each type of asset.

Generally speaking, regardless of your choice, bitcoin and gold should be invested in expecting a long-term return. And if your option is for bitcoin, see how to buy it soon.

How to buy bitcoins?

After doing your extensive research and deeply understanding how cryptocurrencies work, and after understanding that bitcoin can be a store of value, you will need to have a digital wallet to make your investments. 

So, see below how to buy bitcoins and start a successful crypto wallet!

imagem com moedas de biitcoin douradas no centro

How to buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency?

Before investing in a digital currency model, many investors wonder how to carry out this procedure. Find out below the step-by-step guide to buying Bitcoin.

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

My name is Aline Mesquita, I'm a writer here on the blog, where I write about finance in general, as well as other topics. I have been working with content creation for 10 years, with a postgraduate degree in Project Management, with expertise in SEO practices, in addition to studying finance, market trends and cryptocurrencies.

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